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Dog sandpit


I'm looking for advice please. I have turned my garden, formerly a an unfenced mess of shrubs, into a fenced and turfed play area where Kitty can run and play off her lead to her heart's content. She loves it, and it's a joy to watch! However, as anticipated, she loves to dig, and she seems to like enlarging the same hole rather than start a new one. This being the case I was thinking of perhaps making a dedicated digging area, a sort of 'doggies sand pit' for her. Has anybody else tried this and, if so, has it been effective? If so, I'd be very grateful for any tips on how to go about it, and what fillings would be safe and enjoyable for her to dig in.

Best, Jo

Re: Dog sandpit

Hi Jo, sounds like Kitty and Ellie could compete in the digging world!!

What a great idea to make a pit for her. I found this on searching and as the dog mentioned in it is a Collie I thought the author\'s tips would be a good starting point, sizewise.

Don't know how to create a link but Copy & Paste should do it!

Good luck and keep us updated

Re: Dog sandpit

Hi Moira,

Yes, they do love to dig, don't they! Kitty's hole is now about 2 feet deep and is greyhound length and width, and when she is enjoying herself all I can see is a rump and a very happy tail!

Many thanks for the excellent link - that looks just the thing! I'll definitely give it a try, and I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again, Jo

Re: Dog sandpit


Thanks again Moira for the link to details of a dog sandpit. At last work has been completed, and Kitty loves it! Much easier to tidy it up at the end of each digging day too!

Best, Jo

Re: Dog sandpit

Glad to hear it worked, Jo.
May have to consider making one here as Ellie has been joined in her digging by Paddy (yup, I've been "Fernied" - took stuff for car boot sale, came back with a greyhound ). Paddy goes one better, though, and actually digs in the same place as me!!
All the best