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Stanley ....

..... we hope that Stanley is settling in well :-)

Love from,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: Stanley ....

Hi Susan- he is amazing. He makes us laugh so much and he is so affectionate. Got a bit of a sore back though from curling up on the pillows so that Stanley can sleep on the bed! I'm trying to be firm with this now as he's so huge there's little room left. I've left him once and he pulled up a bit of carpet- he was anxious. Celia advised leaving him in car for short outings and maybe consider getting a crate which reduces his anxiety when alone. absolutely loving our handsome Stanley x

Re: Stanley ....

Delighted to hear that the lovely Stanley is making himself at home

Like Stanley, Bootsie spent his first couple of nights on the bed - his big head on the pillow beside us !!!! Once he had settled in, however, he started sleeping in his own bed and has done ever since - he, occasionally, comes up on our bed about 6ish, in the morning, but he now lies along the bottom!

On the crate front ... we didn't have one when Bootsie arrived, but we did get one as, like Stanley, he had a go at the furniture when left to begin with. As Celia would tell you they protest in three ways: pee, poo, chew !!!!!!! I think Bootsie feels safe in his crate, and we feel better knowing that he can't hurt himself. We don't leave him in if for very long, at a time, but it works well for us.

I guess that these beautiful dogs are frightened that they are going to be returned - they've not had much continuity in their lives. It takes a wee while for them to understand that they they are 'home', but it is SO worth it ~ they are wonderful, and hugely affectionate, pets. We've had Bootsie for just over 2.5 years now, and have never laughed so much ... he is such a wonderful character, and has brought us so much joy.

All the very best to you all,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: Stanley ....

I do think that they maybe somewhere in the back of the head think that they are only visiting and one day they have to go back (to the kennels). It took Floyd really long time to get used to that he is a pet, he never suffered anxiety or damaged anything but you could get feeling from him that he was thinking he is just visiting as he wasn’t really making himself at home (he didn’t really relaxed for example like now when someone sits in the living room he comes over, sit on the sofa with the person, you have to scratch and he will fall asleep, the other night I had to put subtitles on as it was impossible to hear the TV cause of his snoring, before he would just leave and lay in the corner, just wasn’t interacting much, liked his privacy sort of but I think it was just because he wasn’t used to be all day with someone). I don’t go very often to the kennels (as I should, I am really sorry I haven’t been so long) but I did take him before when he was “new” for a run in the paddocks but you could see he is really not enjoying going back and was nervous so I don’t bother anymore. He is really different dog now, silly old boy plays now like a wee puppy and we are happy that we could offer him a comfortable and fun second half of his life. It may take Stanley a bit of time but you will never look back.

It was Floyd's Bday on 3rd of August (he is 8 now) and we took him home on 30th August so I sort of think that he got us for his Bday and hope we will be able to spend many more years together, we love him very much

Re: Stanley ....

if you need a crate , I have one you can borrow.


Re: Stanley ....

Thank you so much. I have ordered one from e- bay today but thanks so much for the offer,!

Re: Stanley ....

Hi Susan. I've ordered a crate today from e- bay but have taken him to the shops today and the stables and left him in the car and he's just slept. That's true that they have not known loyalty and permanence and wish I could let our lovely boy know he's ere for good. He made me laugh so much today- he saw the Hoover which is a Henry Hoover in the cupboard thought it was alive and ran like bambi over the wooden floor landing him in a heap at the washing machine. I also left his muzzle off for the first time in the park and a jack Russell snapped and snarled at him and he whined and hid behind me- such a wuss! I feel that some people look when the muzzles on as if why would you keep a bad dog- he's so the opposite so I find it frustrating- do you muzzle bootsie? All the best to you Mo and Bootsie xxx

Re: Stanley ....

Thanks for that wonder they feel anxious and it's made me think about taking Stanley back to visit kennels after what you've observed. I love him so much already he's so gentle and regal. Hope to meet you on walks xx

Re: Stanley ....

Hi Fiona and Charlotte. I'm sure that the first thing that Stanley would do if he visited the kennels would be to jump on his beloved couch. It was the centre of his universe.

Re: Stanley .... and that couch

Hi Celia and Jimmy,
That couch has a lot to answer for - it's because Jock sneaked in behind me on the couch for a cuddle that I fell under his spell and offered convalescence after his tumour operation. You should see him now! He's a big strong boy whose appearance belies his age and he sends you both huge cuddles for looking after him so well when he needed you (me too!)

Re: Stanley .... and that couch

Hi Marion.
It is a magic couch .
Sitting on it carries a government health warning.
Even bigger cuddles reciprocated.
Jimmy and Celia.

Re: Stanley .... and that couch

Awww so lovely to here stanley settlin in.. bless him we love girlie (willow) so much she has not been one bit of bother since we got her a year ago... we are the talk of our street me and john and willow and the cat all go for a walk every night sooooooo funny . Love her gill xxx

Re: Stanley .... and that couch

Dear celia and jimmy- one weeks update on Stanley. We love him so much- cant stop cuddling him and the children on either side of us love him too. He is so loving and gentle and funny too. I was drying my hair tonight with a mirror at floor level and couldn't see past Stanley admiring himself in the mirror- boy does he know he's handsome! I want to thank you both for all the work you do and it breaks my heart what these beautiful creatures go through when racing. Thank you for our wonderful new friend and we will be back to visit and I'm still up for helping in any way I can. Ps - fancy lending that magic couch as I'm sitting on the floor at night as Charlotte and stan on the two seater xx

Re: Stanley ....

Ha ha ha ..... Bootsie is EXACTLY the same

He hates the hoover - gives me dirty looks when I bring it into the same room as him! He is also terrified of small dogs ... Westies in particular There is one lives down the road, and Bootsie will not walk past his house - he insists on crossing the road before we come to it If a dog does look at him, he hides behind me ... now people, that's a different story! Often, when we go to Asda Mo waits outside with Bootsie and, without fail, when I come out she has a group of people gathered round her admiring him

We only muzzle Bootsie when we go to Pets at Home, otherwise he picks up toys that we end up having to buy. Also, now he is on a special low-fat diet, we don't want him picking biscuits off the floor! He is never off his lead, and as he hides when other dogs approach, we don't feel the need to muzzle him.

They are a joy and a delight, and Bootsie makes us laugh so much - we just adore him, as you obviously do Stanley.

Big hugs for Stanley,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: Stanley ....

My dogs don’t hate the hoover, as a matter of the fact they don’t even move especially Floyd, I have to hoover around him, so that means that I have to hoover the living room twice. However he hated our old phone, when it rung he would start howl at the end we ended up disconnecting the phone completely and nobody could get in touch with us, I don’t know if the sound was hurting his ears. Anyway got a new hand set which I can put on silence and just leave the answer machine on and also has got better ring tones, so everybody is happy.

Re: Stanley ....

Hi Fiona and Charlotte.
Thank you for the lovely update on Stanley. He really is a character.
We'd bring the magic couch but it is heavy to carry with Daisy stuck on top of it . She's taken up Stanley's spot.
We look forward very much to seeing you all at the kennels soon.
Jimmy and Celia.