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Davie's birthday

Davie is 8 years old today!

He was a long time resident at GRF kennels and has been in his forever home with the Stewart family for more than a year.

He lives happily with Ruby (also ex GRF) and has proved to be a truly wonderful companion.

We hope to have the pleasure of looking after his every need for years to come.<'p>

Davie's cake
Davie's cake.

Davie and cake
Davie with his cake.

Enjoying cake
Enjoying cake.

Re: Davie's birthday

Happy Birthday Davie

Bootsie is most jealous of that wonderful looking cake ... !!!

Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: Davie's birthday

Happy birthday dear wee man.
We hope that you get many more cakes.
Your Auntie and Uncle.