Fife Greys Forum

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2 years on

Well thats it 2 years since my house became Missy and Pancho,s kennel!!!!
How time flies when your having fun
WhenI remember the first yaer,
Being dragged 200yds on my belly with 2 running greys on the other end chasing a cat 1st lesson: shorten lead when in vicinity of cats!!
Coming home to the kitchen bin raided, bread eaten and 2 bulging bellies on the sofa 2nd lesson : Clear all edible items away after meals and empty bins!!
Unable to stretch out in bed or get into bed, 3rd lesson: When putting light out for bed run faster than your dogs and jump in to bed, keep legs in air to protect your space.
Year 2
No sofa left, been scraped to make bed 3rd lesson: buy second hand sofas let dogs up and get wonderful cuddles
Rejected pets at home dog bed lesson 3: Dont waste money on doggy stuff just become a kennel mate and share

Well i,m fitter than 2 years ago, been through 5 pair wellies, immune to rain and cold, lurv my early walks (maybe exaggerated that bit lol) and what can beat coming home from a days work to 2 gorgeous looking faces and waggly tales to cuddle and kiss you and let you know that no matter how bad you feel they are always there loving you unconditionally.

Greys Rock!!!

Mary (Missy and Pancho)

Re: 2 years on

Congratulations to you all

We remember the very first time we met you, out walking with Adam, Missy & Pancho, in Rosyth Park ... it certainly doesn't feel like two years ago

Yes, we've all had some laughs with our fur babies That having been said, we've had our share of angst too.

We laughed out loud at the idea of you jumping into bed to get the best space ...

We also totally concur with what you say about 'sharing their kennel' - you are so right, and it is an absolute pleasure to do so ... indeed, we often feel honoured that Bootsie allows us to sit on 'his' furniture

Missy & Pancho landed on their paws when you came along Mary, may you all share many more years of happiness together

Lots of Love,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: 2 years on

LOl Thanks, I remember meeting you with Bootsie before I got my 2, so it is you and Bootsie to blame hahahha .

Must thank you again for that as i might not have guessed what fab pets they make and of course greyhound owners who like our dogs are a very friendly if not mad bunch.

XX Mary

Re: 2 years on

Congratulations Mary for surviving 2 years. When I first met you , you and Adam were experienced grey*owners of one year and I'm so grateful you showed us the ropes. Mac and Maisie loved their walks with Missy and Pancho. It was so nice to walk with another dog owner as everyone else was avoiding us. Can't think why

Ps. Didn't mean you were grey but I may be after another year!

Re: 2 years on

Congratulations Mary for surviving 2 years. When I first met you , you and Adam were experienced grey*owners of one year and I'm so grateful you showed us the ropes. Mac and Maisie loved their walks with Missy and Pancho. It was so nice to walk with another dog owner as everyone else was avoiding us. Can't think why
Jenny xxxx

Ps. Didn't mean you were grey but I may be after another year!

Re: 2 years on

Well done Mary.
When I got my first greyhound I didn't realise it would totally and utterly change my life for the better. They are the most wonderful dogs in the world.
It is great to be owned by them.