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Old age...

Hi Guys
Know I haven't been about for a while but just looking to see if anyone has any advice or info that may help. Bambi will be 12 in November and I have noticed over the past year or so she has been starting to get that bit older. In July this year I really thought she was in a bad way as she was suddenly very lethargic but she went and had a dental as apparently it was an infection and she perked up - well reasonably so anyway for her age!! However, she is becoming very slow and lethargic again - and while she seems happy to laze about the house, and in the main is eating fine, she doesn't seem to have any enthusiasm or interest in being outside and I have had to cut her walks right back to accommodate this.
I realise that she is getting old...what Im looking for is any advice that may help her in any way. I may be clutching at straws here but the vet doesn't seem to think there is anything majorly wrong with her (although I still feel we may have an issue with recurring UTIs) so if anyone can offer any help or advice I and Bambi would be extremely grateful! Thank u! xx
Joan & Bambi

Re: Old age...

Hi Joan,

I don't really have any advice for you, but just wanted to say I hope Bambi perks up soon. I have noticed Finn ageing this year too, and it saddens me he struggles to do the things he used to do with ease. However, he's still very willing. Just not as able!

Hopefully we will see you both on a walk again soon.


Re: Old age...

Hi Joan,
Good to hear from you again. I sympathise as my eldest, Kim, is now 13 and getting quite rickety in the legs. We have him on Synoquin from the vets, which is basically essential fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate plus a mild anti-inflammatory. It seems to help a bit, and he still loves his walks, although he's a lot slower and less steady on his legs.
If Bambi's reluctance to go out is due to the pain of arthritis, it might be worth a try but I would have thought your vet might have picked up on this already. Can Bambi still jump into the car OK?
If she has recurring UTI's this could be a clue as to where to look for a problem. My Foxy was spayed (not by Vetrica) and still had minor bleeding for 2-3 years later. My vets admitted it might have been due to lack of removal of all hormone-emitting tissue but, as she was well and I was reluctant to put her through another op, they agreed that, if there were later complications due to necrotic tissue, she would be treated free of charge. The reason I mention this is because the reproductive system and urinary tract are so close together that spaying could possibly have caused a problem. Foxy had some bladder control problems when she had post-spaying bleeds.
Or, it could be something entirely different - I've shared some experiences but there must be many other possible causes. The thing is that you have identified atypical behaviour that concerns you and you know Bambi better than anyone. If the problem continues and your vet offers no diagnosis, maybe seek another opinion?
I still smile when I remember a pre-Joan Bambi jumping into the back of my estate car, taking my 3 greyhounds completely by surprise, and Jimmy's face turning from panic, when he thought there would be a punch-up, to huge relief, when they all just said 'hello' and 'where are we driving to now?!' She is such a class act. I can't believe this is just old age and we really hope a cause can be identified and treated.
Best wishes,
Marion, Kim, Dylan, Bryn, Foxy, & Jock

Re: Old age...

Thanks for replying guys - she has good days and bad days to be honest. I have tried prodding and moving her legs with no real reaction pain wise and she usually isn't slow at letting me know when something is sore!!lol so I dunno if there's something going in there that is a more subtle pain?
In relation to the uti issues I have been to vet numerous times with her and indeed earlier this year had a major bust up with 2 vets at the practice in regard to this. She had a bit of a mot done just recently by the vet who I still have faith in and she could find nothing wrong.unfortunately the vet who had a lot of experience with hounds has retired...may be time to look at getting a second opinion. Perhaps I will take her back to regular vet first see what they say now following her dental.
It's all just worrying.
However she has still got her attitude and still has dogs she will tolerate and those she won't!!!lol a lovely man and his well trained Labrador who live round corner r determined that they will be bambis far they have got as far as her ignoring the Labrador ....hey it's progress!!! She also still wants to get in folks
Bambi at present would not manage one of the walks but maybe she will if she picks up...would come myself see u all but I think I'd feel guilty leaving her home....
Thanks again Karen and Marion I'll let u know how she goes...xx

Re: Old age...

We lost our precious Annie last year at 13. She was gradually slowing down for a while beforehand but seemed to go down hill very quickly - especially after my dad died only a few weeks before as they doted on each other. Again, it appeared to be just old age catching up with her - eventually her back legs just went and she could hardly support herself. For many months beforehand the vet could not find anything ominously wrong with her - even MRI scans proved fruitless. I think that the racing life takes such a toll on their poor wee bodies no matter how good a life they have afterwards. My Mikey, who will be nine in February, is definitely not the dog he was a year ago and we can see him gradually slowing down now. Bambi will soldier on as Annie did - if you take her to a walk do what we did - we went a short way, turned back and had a seat at the end to wait for everyone else to "catch up" lol. I hope you and Bambi have many happy years together yet and she perks up soon! XXX
PS - don't mean to depress you - enjoy every single moment with her.

Re: Old age...

Hi Joan. I feel I'm experiencing exactly the same as you with my girl Ash. she is nine. She's slowed right down and clearly hates going for walks. I force her out for a couple of very little walks a day, just to prevent her from stiffening up too much, but she is painfully slow. That said, her eating is great and the vet can't really find anything wrong with her. She's just slowed right down but seems happy lying out in the garden or on the sofa.

Re: Old age...

Hi Joan.
I know that it won't help but please give wee Bambi, one of my best ever friends, a huge cuddle from her Uncle Jimmy.

Re: Old age...

Hi Joan

Our boy joey (hes only 5) has arthritis and he is on a natural supplement our vet suggested called yumove and after 6wks of painkillers while the yumove built up in his system it has really helped along with his hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and a new treatment called k laser. We've got our puppy back. Might not have the same effect at her age but could be worth a try. Can get yumove on various bottle sizes. We use a bottle of 300 for him and he gets 3 a day so will last a few months. Think that one is around £55 but when they are doing as well as he is its a small price and the fact it lasts so long as well.
May be worth a trip to your vet for another check over to see if they can get to the bottom of her lethargy certainly then go from there. If yu can get to the bottom of it and its just joint issues then could give the yumove a try. Good luck I hope they can help you get to the bottom of this


Re: Old age...

We had Kim on Yumove before Synoquin - they are basically the same but Yumove just has the joint goodies without the anti-inflammatory. Like Katie, I felt it helped a bit, but Joey probably had purely rheumatoid arthritis, whereas aged-related arthritis is often a mix of rheumatoid and osteo arthritis and they can react differently to treatment.
How does Joey get on with hydrotherapy? I've tried it with 3 of my hounds, due to arthritis or leg injuries, but they're not natural water-dogs and didn't really take to it. It took Foxy one session to work out(a)that she didn't have to swim, as the buoyancy aid kept her afloat and (b)that if she made no attempt to swim and just dangled in the water, we would give up and fish her out (clever girl!). Kim just panicked and Bryn did his best but clearly didn't enjoy it. I have a feeling Bambi might be of the same opinion, Joan!

Re: Old age...

Oh my god I think Bambi would have a heart attack if I tried to put her in a swimming pool!!lol Made me laugh though thinking about it!! I know it works great for some dogs but Bambi is not the most adaptable (to put it mildly lol) so I think we maybe won't go down that road!!

Thanks to everyone for your ideas and good wishes and sharing of similar tales it all helps! And of course so will cuddles passed on from her fav people to Bambi!!!

Ill keep you informed how we go...

Re: Old age...

Have just seen that the next walk is just at St. Andrews so we will maybe try come that might perk Bambi up a bit x

Re: Old age...

Hi, our Freya is 14 and a half now and although she's keen to go out for walks she can't really manage. I just take her for short walks, nothing more than 10 minutes (including sniffing time!) While she is in the house I make sure she gets up out her bed every hour and walk her around the garden, as it can cause her more pain and stiffness to sit for a long time. Hope Bambie perks up a bit soon. X