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Poor Tilly

Poor Tilly had a trip to the doggy dentist yesterday and ended up with 6 extractions!! Now she is suffering from PTVD (post traumatic vet disorder) and is feeling extremely sorry for herself.

She's fine though and I'm sure she'll feel the benefit of her remaining teeth being healthy and clean.

Poor girl.....

Re: Poor Tilly

Ouch, poor Tilly. It's horrible to see them like that but as you say, she'll feel much better from hereon in. Plus I'm sure she's being spoiled and enjoying that side of it!

I hope she's feeling better soon.


Re: Poor Tilly

Thanks Karen,

We only adopted Tilly in August and it's now clear that she's a huge wuss! She's back to her usual self now though - just with fresher breath

Re: Poor Tilly

Finn is also a terrible coward. I'll never forget the day a leaf stuck to his foot and I almost had heart failure as he let out his "I am dead" greyhound scream of death. I was so relieved it was just a leaf!

Glad she's feeling better already, and I wish you many happy years together.


Re: Poor Tilly

Thank you very much.

That's a funny story - poor Finn. They are terrible neurotics, aren't they..... Our last greyhound used to do that howl when the vet brought out the nail clippers (even if he was still at the other side of the room), they're funny.


Re: Poor Tilly

They are terrible wusses. A friend of mine was walking one of her greyhounds along a snowy pavement when he let out the "I am dying" scream. People actually rushed out of a shop to see what was up. What was it? A small piece of icy snow had lodged itself between his front toes.

Re: Poor Tilly

Oh, that's funny Sheila! I don't think I've met another breed of dog that looks so strong and powerful yet howls at the slightest thing.....

Pamela x