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Well, Bella has now joined our family and so far so good - it's like she was born to be with us. Only one wee peepee accident last night but think it was more out of excitement as she and Dilly are now starting to "connect"! Mikey is his usual "what the" and "haven't I suffered enough already mum" lol. Gorgeous wee girl (but an awful counter surfer) - and the fact she looks so much like Annie didn't play any part at all in our decision......
Off to the vet tomorrow night to see about neutering / vaccination / micro chipping so watch this space.


Awwwww .... delighted that Bella has found such a good home She's certainly fallen on her paws!

Wishing you all many happy years together.

Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

PS. Bella does look like the adorable Annie, bless her


Hi Isobel

Having looked on the lucky one page I see the resemblance between your Annie and Bella , but Annie will never be replaced R.I.P. beautiful girl.

Bella being re-homed on the 24th of November made my special day that bit better as it was my birthday delighted for you all and Bella as she has fallen on her paws with her forever home being with your family.

Annie will be looking down from the Rainbow Bridge with her approval of another deserving Hound finding a loving home in her former loving home.

Well done once again really pleased for you.


Morag, Billy and Lassie


What a lovely outcome for Bella! The ones that look like angels normally have some tricks up their dew claws but you will love her all the more when you work it all out, which of course you will.
We wish you much happiness and look forward to the progress reports


Hi Isobel,
Another greyhound how did you persuade your hubby? Let me know your secret please.Great news for Bella got a
Great family who will love her .Thank you for your donation to our stall.
Kind Regards


Bella is so lovely- I spent 10 minutes in the kennel with her on Friday and couldn't choose between her or Bonnie- she is so sooky! My daughter had already met Bonnie and fell in love. Glad she's found a good home-wee bella


Hi Evelyn - no secret - it was Gary who saw her on the website and was overcome by her resemblance to Annie. The way she has settled in is amazing - it's as if she's always been here - it's fascinating seeing her personality developing. I couldn't recommend it enough to your hubby..............(keep at it).xxx