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urine infection

Floyd had urine infection before Christmas and got antibiotics which seem to clear it up but it looks like it is back. Is it normal that it would come back?

He has never been ill so I don't really know, did anybody's dog had similar thing? He is going to the vets this morning, I have got urine but I will also ask for a blood test just to be sure it is not kidneys or liver but it has the same symptoms as before, peeing a lot, and I mean buckets of water, drinking a lot, mood down, quite grumpy with Jess didn't get up this morning but I managed to make him go for a pee and he did take a treat after that and also he did eat chicken for his dinner. Also was thinking diabetes. Anyway don't want to be panicking so I will see after what the vet says, but just interested if anybody had the same experience. He managed to kick of Jan off the sofa so that's reassuring.

Re: urine infection

Hi Monika,

Good luck with the vet - I think you're right to ask for a blood test as that will, hopefully, re-assure you ...

Keep us posted.

Susan x

Re: urine infection

So it is urine infection from the test from the pee and the symptoms, there was blood in his pee although not visible the test showed it up and some of the other things were higher like proteins and I think it was the white cells, he doesn't have diabetes which is good, he got another course of antibiotics and will do the tests again after he finishes them, however if he visibly doesn't improve we got to go back on Friday, poor soul is good as gold, takes his medication no problem (Jess has to be chased around the house and then throttled ), had a bit of homemade chicken soup and went to the park for a wee walk, seems to pick up a bit, the vet said it doesn't usually return as quick as that so I don't know, hope it is not anything else

Re: urine infection

It's good that it's not diabetes and hopefully the second course of antibiotics will sort it out for him. We love hearing about him and Jess and send our very best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Re: urine infection

unbelievable, really it is

I had a headache tonight, took some painkillers and went to bed for two hours, got up at 11 pm, went down and he (Floyd) was standing in the doors, barking with the look "where are you, I am waiting here for my tablets" on his face(more like for the ham which comes with it but still)

I felt very guilty , he took his tablets and went to bed

Jess would never do this even if she got a big roast to go with the medication

I have to do better tomorrow and be more consistent to keep exact medication times

Re: urine infection

Mine are the same, Monika, it takes about 2 repetitions to establish a 'routine' in their heads, so long as it involves something they like (to eat). Kim has his arthritis meds before dinner and, as soon as he hears the dishes clattering, he rushes over and stands by the cupboard where they are kept to remind me. Of course, he feels special because it's something the 'youngsters' don't get, but it would be an entirely different story if the (rather large) tablet was offered 'naked', without its smear of butter or meaty covering.
I do hope the antibiotics do the trick for him and that your headache is history.

Re: urine infection

Hi Monika.
Along with the next pills give both of them huge cuddles from us.
Celia and Jimmy.

Re: urine infection

I will do, thank you, he is much better, wants to play now and eats fine so hopefully it is all what it is and the course of antibiotics will be long enough this time to get rid of it properly.

I made sure I got up early this morning, didn't fancy anyone yelling at me the first thing in the morning that I am 5 minutes late with the tablets (and ham), no lie in for me this weekend (and the next )