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HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Hello all,

Its been too long so thought I would pop a post in here wishing all at GRF a great 2015.

Its a year past May since I took on sisters poppy (lochy) & pippa(shuna)..and we dont regret it for a second. Lots of walks and plenty of snoozing with feet in the air..its definately a dogs life! They love a car trip just dont feed them first!...they love the vets too..even though lochy enjoys peeing on their door matt without exception. Visits for minor feet injuries, glass in foot and a broken dew claw. Shunas the clumsy one.
a few photos captured when they're upright;

We will drop in when this rain stops.

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Thanks very much for the update, they were a favourite with the kennel helpers and it's great to hear they're so settled. Sounds like there's never a dull moment anyway!


Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Hi Simon, Lochy and Shuna.
It is great to hear that you are getting on well.
Big cuddles to Lochy and Shuna ( sorry Simon ! ) from your Auntie Celia and Uncle Jimmy.
You are welcome at our kennels any time at all.
Very best wishes.
Celia, Jimmy and the gang.

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

I'm still recovering after the day I spent with Lochy and Shuna. Little scamps they were!

They're looking great now and we'll settled in their home

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Jenny B
I'm still recovering after the day I spent with Lochy and Shuna. Little scamps they were!

They're looking great now and we'll settled in their home

That bit of chat was missed off the tell Jenny? I will always remember the 2 dogs are as easy as 1 dog chat. Thing is I am so glad that I took two dogs..They keep each other company and lochy washes the dishes after dinner time. I'm cooking at the moment knowing full well they've both nicked the couch and and chair while I'm not looking...They give you the doe eyes yet so sneeky with couch stealing..ha ha

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Hi Simon
A few days before you adopted the girls I went to the annual greyhound event with my Son and Daughter. We didn't have a dog at that time so asked if we could be of any help. Quick as a flash we were handed Poppy and Pippa ( I swear I heard a laugh as the leads were handed across).

I can still see my 6 foot Son being dragged off at great speed. I entered both dogs in the 'beautiful face' competition, confident they would win but they each showed their bottoms at the Judge so they didn't even get placed. One then drank the 'pluck a duck' stall dry whilst the other pinched cocktail sausages off a toddler in a pushchair. (I haven't been near a pluck a duck stall since, I can still see all those ducks running aground)

We decided to split them up so, I went one way and my daughter went the other. I could see where she was though as her dog was sniffing people in very personal places. I could see even elderly people jumping really high. Everyone loved them though and we all hoped a good home together would be found soon

When we got home that night we were all exhausted. My husband suggested maybe we could get two dogs and me, my son and daughter shouted 'NO.....OOOO...OOO!!!!'

We had a great day really and still laugh about it.We also ended up with two of our own the following August - one being the bad boy of the kennel MacLeod.
So, I've got a soft spot for Lochy and Shuna, they were the first to really show me what fun greyhound were. I'm pleased they're doing so well

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Aw I loved these girls! So glad to hear they are doing well!

Also good to hear McLeods doing good!

Re: HNY GRF & friends from Lochy and Shuna..and that bloke that feeds us

Jenny B
Hi Simon
A few days before you adopted the girls I went to the annual greyhound event with my Son and Daughter. We didn't have a dog at that time so asked if we could be of any help. Quick as a flash we were handed Poppy and Pippa ( I swear I heard a laugh as the leads were handed across).

I can still see my 6 foot Son being dragged off at great speed. I entered both dogs in the 'beautiful face' competition, confident they would win but they each showed their bottoms at the Judge so they didn't even get placed. One then drank the 'pluck a duck' stall dry whilst the other pinched cocktail sausages off a toddler in a pushchair. (I haven't been near a pluck a duck stall since, I can still see all those ducks running aground)

We decided to split them up so, I went one way and my daughter went the other. I could see where she was though as her dog was sniffing people in very personal places. I could see even elderly people jumping really high. Everyone loved them though and we all hoped a good home together would be found soon

When we got home that night we were all exhausted. My husband suggested maybe we could get two dogs and me, my son and daughter shouted 'NO.....OOOO...OOO!!!!'

We had a great day really and still laugh about it.We also ended up with two of our own the following August - one being the bad boy of the kennel MacLeod.
So, I've got a soft spot for Lochy and Shuna, they were the first to really show me what fun greyhound were. I'm pleased they're doing so well

======= Simon's reply to Jenny ===========

Hahaha..I laughed out loud with your story Jenny. I met you that day with pippa n poppy in may at the farm although didn't see the girls getting up to no good..too busy laughing at my dads whippet who peed against a ladies leg while she was chatting with friends at the grf dog show. She wasn't bothered as only the Hunter wellies got a wash.
A few weeks in Simon's boot camp sorted them out, once they figured out how to come down the stairs after running up them and lochy realised that the lead isn't something that's to be pulled to within an inch of its life we were on easy street. I was surprised how receptive to training they are..they'll both do anything for treats and they are very much creatures of habit.
MacLeod he was maybe in the kennels when I was there that May, big red fawn dog, similar colouring to lochy. Glad he got a home.

P's. If you all put out bird feeders in winter, make sure they are 6 ft plus high in the tree or your greedy greyhound will get them..mine are now 7 ft+ high (it was either that or it was concrete shoes on the dogs.; op

All the best,