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We are delighted to see that Danny has been rehomed. We walked him many times and he was always a perfect gentleman.
We wish him and his new family many years of happiness and fun........

Re: Danny

Hi there,

Yes Danny de Vito is now called Shu and is living with Isis and Anuket (formerly Jackie and Jen). Picked him up yesterday and all seem to be getting along fine....:-)

Re: Danny

Hi there,

Yes Danny de Vito is now called Shu and is living with Isis and Anuket (formerly Jackie and Jen). Picked him up yesterday and all seem to be getting along fine....:-)

Ps I don't have the other Danny!! Just the little black one :-)

Re: Danny

Delighted for little Danny - hope he's not confused by his new name (Shu sounds like shoo!?).
I guessed the Danny pictures had got mixed up and that you have the little quiet black boy - we wish him and his Egyptian sisters much happiness with you.

Re: Danny

Thanks Marion,
All going well so far. Luckily he seems to associate his new name with getting a dried sprat so is developing a positive association!
I called him Shu because he was the Egyptian God of the sky, and it apparently translates as 'he who rises up'. Given what he's been through I thought it was apt

Re: Shu

I'm sure he will live up to his name, Lisa - my four gannets would answer to anything for a dried sprat!