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Dog Show update 5/5/16

As I write this there is only 24 days to go until our 9th dog show Somethings are starting to fall into place now and will be set for another excellent show All we ask now is that as many of you as possible can download our show poster and advertise our event in as many places as possible shops, vets, dog walk areas etc.... As well as on social media !!

Tickets are still on sale from our Baltree kennels and buying these in advance helps us enormously to plan for the event and ensures we have enough food supplies, chairs, parking etc on the day. By purchasing them in advance you will also be entered into our pre ticket raffle (put contact details on back of your tickets)so you may win some nice prizes just for purchasing your ticket in advance to a show that you are probably going to go to anyway

I will keep the forum updated in the lead up to the show, if would like any further information just post your question here or check out our dog show link to the left of this page

Lets make this another great year for the hounds

Re: Dog Show update 5/5/16

Here is a link to the origional dog show poster thread on the forum.

Click here to go to the poster forum post

Many Thanks for helping publicize the dog Show for us.

George, Morag & Lassie