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Dog show (18/05/16)

With only a week on Sunday until our dog show time is running out to buy your tickets in advance purchasing in adavnce helps us prepare better for the day. They are reasonably priced at £4 with kids under 16 stil going free.

Although we have some excellent raffle prizes this year we are still on the look out for more ! and also any items for our tombola stall.

On the day we will be looking for as many of you as possible to bring along some home-baking for us to sell at the show. So look out these old recipes

We hope to have another big turn out for this event which is a major fundraiser of the year for the kennels and our current incumbents. Your help and support of our cause is much appreciated

Re: Dog show (18/05/16)

Hi - I will take more raffle/tombola stuff up to the kennels tomorrow - kindly donated by two girls at work. I am not a baker but I will bring some cakes to the show (thank god for asda!).