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Dog show helpers

We are still on the look out for some helpers for our show. If interested or would like further information please feel free to email/message me or post on here.

The people who have been in touch regarding helping could you possibly email/message me to say whether still available and also so I can get details to you for the day. Currently I have the following names Rachel, Jess, Karen, Neil, Evelyn. But there is still room for more

Re: Dog show helpers

Hi Alex

We are still available

Karen & Niel

Re: Dog show helpers

Ok for me Alex.

Re: Dog show helpers

Thanks Guys, we're probably looking at a 10:30 meet up on the Sunday, so can go over what to do. Thanks again

Re: Dog show helpers

Ok for me....

Re: Dog show helpers

I may be able to help but won't know till nearer the day if I can get there. I would be prefer an indoor job. Don't trust myself directing cars!
If I
can go I could get there for 10.30 am

Re: Dog show helpers

Hi Alex - I think I posted on FB that Christine and I would help out. We'll be there for 10.30 to see what's going on. Is that early enough?

Re: Dog show helpers

Thanks for all your support guys so everyone who has posted here and emailed me I will put down for "duties" I don't want to tempt fate but we may have enough this year to even allow for breaks allowing people to catch the show a bit as well. So if we can aim to rendevouz for 10:30

Thanks again for all your support it's appreciated not only by myself but I'm sure all the "Hounds" as well

Re: Dog show helpers

John and I will be going to the kennels first to collect Max. If there is anything there to be brought along we can bring it. We will do our best to be with you by 10.30!