It's now only a week on Sunday to our show (Saturday for those of us setting up!!!) so we are now on the push to promote our show far and wide. So if you can help us do this it would be much appreciated.
All you need to do is print a few copies of our show poster and pin up around the Fife/Dundee/Perth areas in shops, vets, parks, local dog walk areas etc essentially anywere were you think people may walk or visit with their dogs.
If you are on socila media you can help by either changing your profile pic for the week with our show programme pic or share the poster and ask your friends to share also
As Alex has already stated our show is a week on Sunday the 29th of May and if you can help us promote the dog show in any way what so ever that would be great.
All the details about the dog show are on the Fife Dog Show tab on the left of your screen.
Thanks to all our sponsors once again.
For those of you wanting to share or print out our dog show poster.