Fife Greys Forum

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Hi Folks

Just checking in to see how all my two legged slaves at the kennels are doing and you are not missing me too much.

It's been almost a month since I came to my new kennel and my new slave waits on me hand and foot and is such a gullible fool *sniggers*. I pretended to be scared of the stairs, come on a big lad like me being scared of anything, just so my slave would lay a chicken trail to entice me - I knew what I was doing but hey y two legged fell for it.

I wasn't too keen initially on the other four legged hound in the kennel and growled at him when he came near my bed, well it is rather luxurious, can you blame me? But hey you know he isn't so bad after all, I can play bitey face and tug with him and when my slave isn't looking roll about on her bed drying myself off from the rain so it's all good. Now we are partners in crime.

I did try terrorising the small furry through it's cage, I think my slave called it a rabbit (yum) but I showed my slave I am better than that and no longer bother it - have you seen the size of it's teeth yikkkes. Anyway it is more interesting watching the moggies, through the fence, scrapping with eachother - my poor ears boy do they yell at eachother a lot.

I just love my toys but hey there is more fun to be found around this big kennel, like shredding toilet paper, running of with the bathroom mats and towels so I get a good game of chase. I am the king of counter surfing and paws come in handy when you just can't quite reach something but bah my slave doesn't leave anything out for me now - spoilsport.

It's time for my morning stroll so best be going, this typing lark is hard work with paws. Oh yeah, my name is now Flash which I can use as an excuse for my selective hearing - just getting used to my new name

Have fun folks and wishing the best to my old kennel mates, got to run.

Re: Smash

Hello Flash, I wasn't sure who was writing this lovely update at first but now I have seen your picture on the Lucky Ones page June 1. You are a very handsome lad and we wish you many happy years with your slave.

Re: Smash

Well handsome Flash, your 2-legged slave has done wonders teaching you how to type and post on the forum so quickly (in a flash, as it were!), so give her some credit. Well done Anji, congratulations and much happiness to you both.