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Re: Adaptil collars

We have no experience of adaptil collars to help you sadly.

We have only used the pet remedy diffuser that you mentioned for our late boy Billy, he hated fireworks.

I have shared your post on the G.R.F Facebook page for you so you might get some help from there as more adopters seem to be using facebook these days to share their experiences.

Best of luck


This is the first reply on there for you. Posted by Teagh Lach

"Adaptil (collar or diffuser) is fantastic BUT in most cases needs to be used in conjunction with other behavioural support/aids. There are other products available as supplements such as Zylkene/Calmex etc but nothing generally works without behavioural input/sound desensitisation. Different things work for different dogs but there always needs to be a multi-faceted approach. A good friend of mine had a very sound-sensitive collie that got so bad she reacted as soon as her husband stood up and even looked towards the window (they are crofters in the Hebrides and the dog started to link him looking out the window and seeing crows or rabbits with him going to the gun cupboard!)...She worked tirelessly to desensitise the dog. It worked but it took daily inut for almost 2 years! Not an easy fix. Good luck!"

Re: Adaptil collars

This may not be a realistic option for you, Jo, but have you thought about adopting another, really steady, greyhound to reassure her? When I lost a boy lurcher years ago my girl lurcher became really nervous in many situations but she recovered her confidence in full when I adopted my first greyhound, Kim. Celia and Jimmy would be able to advise.

Re: Adaptil collars

Hi Jo,,

I've never tried Adaptil collars, but did get Lola a Thundershirt last year at fireworks time. I also used it when taking her out after she developed a fear of crowds and started trying to bolt when she saw the kids from school coming towards her. It definitely helped to calm her down. I also got Nutracalm from the vet, which had varying degrees of success.

Good luck


Re: Adaptil collars

Thank you very much George for your reply, and for posting my enquiry on Facebook. I don't use Facebook myself so thank you for passing on the very helpful reply from Teagh Lach.

Thank you Marion for your suggestion. I would love to adopt another greyhound, but unfortunately my current circumstances do not make this possible. Should things change however ...

And finally, thank you Teresa for your reply and for your helpful suggestions. That's given me some new ideas to consider.

It's good to know that Adaptil collars are safe for greyhounds, and that they can be helpful if combined with other supplements. And I shall of course be continuing working with the behaviour specialist. Kitty really enjoys these sessions, and until this latest set-back she was really responding very well.

Thank you all!