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Thank you Karen for your kind words of support. I would fill my home with Greyhounds if I could, but the insurance for them is so expensive. They are the most wonderful dogs you could ever hope to have in your life. We love all dogs, but Greyhounds are just so special and bring us humans such joy, love and laughter. It just breaks my heart to see them ill and then having to say goodbye to them.


Such a difficult decision to make. There a few articles that you might find helpful in making your decision, and I hope they will help you;


Oh Liz & Richard,

We just don't know what to say .... we are SO sorry to hear about Spot :cry: :sob:

You will know and will be guided by both Spot and your vet, however, it sounds to me as if Spot still has life to live if he is enjoying food and cuddles.

Our thoughts are with you.

Love from,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx


Thank you so much Shorna and Dougie for your kind words about Spot. He has been a very happy boy over the last two days, since having the 2.2 litres of fluid withdrawn from his chest cavity. He is full of fun, eating all his meals with jest, playing with his toys, roaching on his back, wanting his tummy tickled, which he loves. You would never know he is seriously ill. We go back to see the vets tomorrow, to discuss what should happen. I am just so scared that these tumours will burst, but the thought of putting him to sleep, while he is still full of beans and a happy boy, scares the life out of me. You did a wonderful job with Gabby. I just hope Spot has as much luck as she had. She was a beautiful wee soul.


Thank you so much Susan, Mo and fabulous Bootsie. You will know how sad we are feeling at this time, as I still find it hard to talk about big Squeek without crying. Not over losing him last July yet.

Spot has been great since he had the fluid removed from his chest area and has been playing with his toys, roaching, eating all his food, wanting to go out for a short walk. He would like to walk further, but the vet said he is to have complete rest - some hope with Spot! You would never think he was so ill today, as he is just full of beans and so happy. He has been going around sniffing at everything in the livingroom, like he had just moved in today. It just breaks my heart to think of him looking and acting so well, when in fact he is so ill.

He could be referred to the Dick Vet for an operation possibly, but it would not cure him, maybe only give him a few more weeks, or months, if he survived the operation, but I do not want him to go through heart surgery, if there is no hope of a cure for him, which there isn't. He would also have to go through all the pain after the surgery and then be on chemotherapy, which would make him feel so ill after it. I know that dogs handle it better than humans, but it is still horrible for them. My son's dog went to the Dick Vet for chemotherapy and was very ill after each session and it was not nice to see him in that state. He only lasted a few months after that, so it was not a cure for him either.

Richard came back from Germany last night, so we have an appointment with the vet again tomorrow, so that he can give Richard all the information about Spot, as I was so upset at the time, that I did not think I would remember all that the vet told me.

The vet who drained his chest of all the 2.2 litres of fluid from around his heart, phoned me late afternoon yesterday, to see how wee Spot was. I told her he was looking very well and that he was not coughing now and full of beans. She was so nice and so pleased that he was feeling a lot better. She was on the phone for ages, talking about Spot and what a nice dog he was, and trying to comfort me.

We will see what the vet says tomorrow and if Spot can have a little more time, as he seems too well at present to be PTS. He will guide us on what is best for our boy.

We hope Bootsie is keeping well. He is such a lovely boy and was our Speeky's best barking friend at Greyhound events. They could bring down the house with their barking! Lots of love to you all. Liz, Richard, Carrie and Spot xxxxx


Thank you so much Steve for sending me those websites to look at. They have been very helpful and confirmed my thoughts that Spot is not quite ready to go yet, as he is full of beans since having all that liquid taken out of his chest area. He is eating all his meals with gusto, playing with his toys and still loving roaching and wanting his tummy tickled. He has also stopped his really bad coughing fits. We will need to see what the vet thinks tomorrow, when Richard and I go to see him. I know he cannot be cured, but I hope for Spot's sake, that he can have a bit more time to enjoy feeling so much better than he has been over the last few weeks. He has just bounced toward the front door, wagging his tail and play bowing, before going for a short walk with Richard! Thanks again Steve.


Hi again Shorna and Dougie. I said Spot was eating all his meals with jest, I meant gusto! I don't know what I am saying just now, as my head is just full of thinking about poor wee Spot and worrying about him all the time.


Oh Liz, I KNOW how devastated you were to lose the lovely Squeek - he and Bootsie were certainly in competition for the 'barkiest dog' ... !!

I totally agree with you - we would not put Bootsie through an operation, and the aftermath. I think, however, as long as Spot is enjoying his food and his toys it is good - he will soon tell you when he no longer wants these things. You & Richard are so brave putting your dogs first every time - each and every one of them has been lucky to have you.

Mo, Bootsie & I are sending BIG hugs to you, Richard & Spot.

Keep in touch please - I am not often on the forum these days, not sure what made me come on today ...

Love to you all,
Susan xXx


Thank you Susan for your kind words. We really appreciate the comfort. Spot was back at the vets on Friday for a check up. The fluid around his lungs is starting to come back again and making him cough, but not as much as before. The vet said they took 2.6 litres of fluid from around his lungs, not 2.2 litres, as I had said previously in my first post. Each day is such a worry.

When he is lying in his bed quiet, we get very worried and think it is his time, then he suddenly gets up, goes and sniffs everything in the room, like he did when he moved in, then he will eat some dinner, or a few bit of cheese and is quite happy to go out for a very short walk, then we think maybe it is not his time just yet.

We have been lying beside him lots, tickling and stroking his tummy, as he loves that and it helps to ease his breathing. The vet does not want to take any more fluid from around his lungs and heart, as it will just come back again, delaying the inevitable. We don't want to keep on having different procedures done on him, as he has had enough already.

We don't think it will be very long now, so just want to give him all the love and comfort we can give him and when he is showing no interest in his usual pleasures, or is in any pain or discomfort at all, we will know it is time. It is the most horrible thing to go through, when your Greyhound is really ill, with no hope of a cure. You feel so helpless, so scared, you can't sleep, you don't want to eat, as there is a knot in your stomach with the grief.

It is a great comfort though to read all the posts on here and to know that people are thinking about Spot and wishing him well and us. We are hardly ever on here either now, only to look at all the new dogs and all the lucky ones who have found their forever home.

Everyone seems to be using Facebook more now. I prefer this forum, if I have anything to write about. I very seldom use Facebook for myself, as I don't think it is a very good, or safe thing, giving out all your information on it. I will comment on other people's posts though on the Facebook Greyhound Rescue Fife.

Thanks again Susan, Mo and lovely Bootsie, for all your support during this very sad time for us. We look forward to seeing you all again this year sometime, at maybe a Greyhound event or two. Give Bootsie a big cuddle from us. We will keep in touch with the situation with wee Spot. Lots of love, Liz, Richard, Carrie and Spot xxxxx


Hi Liz and Richard.
We've just got back on the computer and read the terrible news. We are so very, very sorry. Why should you two nice people go through all that, in what is early in a dog's life? There is no justice. I had a greyhound Fritz who lived to 17 years old and never had cancer.
There are certain things tell you when it is time.
1. The dog goes lethargic and doesn't want to play.
2. He goes off his food and will not eat.
3. He will look in your eyes and you know what he is saying.
We've, sadly, gone through this many times.
I would say that Spot still has a standard of life and the day is still not here.
When such a day does come, remember all the good things ( thousands ) never the bad, only ( 1 ). You've given all three dogs the kind of life that most greyhounds only dream about. Thank you very much for that.
Huge cuddles are sent to Spot.
His auntie Celia and uncle Jimmy.


We’re all so sorry to hear about Spot. Terrible, terrible news again for you both. Xxxx


Lots of love and thoughts to you at this sad time so sorry xx