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Ordering raincoats/winter coats. Do you need a special size?

Thanks to everyone who bought a winter/raincoat yesterday πŸ˜ƒ you are so good to your hounds 🐾🐾

We are about to order a new batch of coats and we can get sizes 24 26 and 32s made if you pre-order... so please let me know by email or via the grf facebook page.
(Jan Buckley -

As you know we usually have 28 and 30s ready to buy as these are the most popular sizes so if your hound is needing a winter coat please let me know πŸ–’

Winter coats are a great price at £20 and the lined rainmac is £11.
Postage is available too if you need it.

All monies raised go to GRF.

Jan & Billy 🐾🐾