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How to safely remove ticks

At this time of year keep an eye out for ticks on your dogs. Sometimes you'll be lucky and spot them crawling on your dog before they've had a chance to attach themselves (they look like small black spiders), but typically you'll see them after they've attached themselves and fed.

I found this one on Tigers ear after this mornings walk. Here's a quick photo guide on how to safely remove them.

Please DO NOT be tempted to smother the tick or just pull it straight out. If you smother it until it suffocates it will regurgitate into the dogs bloodstream, and if you pull it straight out you'll probably end up leaving part of its head in the dog.

Not the best photo, but you can see the ticks body - it looks like a small piece of sweetcorn

Here's a closer photo showing it a little more clearly with the fur parted

This is the tick removal tool I use. They're cheap and readily available

With the fur parted carefully move the tick removal tool under the body of the tick until its at least half way under it. Then gently turn the tool a few times clockwise. This makes the tick release its grip and it will come out cleanly without leaving anything behind.

Take the tick well away from the dog and dispose of it. You'll see its legs wriggling

There it is - evil little thing. I use the blunt end of the tool to squash it in the sink and then wash it away.

Re: How to safely remove ticks

Thank you Steve, for that masterclass in tick removal. The photos were brilliant and woe betide the tick that dares to attach to a Dowd greyhound! I agree that tick twizzlers are great for the job, and I additionally dab the bite site with surgical spirit after removal to guard against any residual infection.