GRF Monthly Walk - Sunday 11th December - Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline
Our next monthly walk will take place at Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline at 11:00 on Sunday 11th December. Feel free to dress in a festive manner if you wish!
We will gather along the wall by the coach park section of the car park - this will give us plenty of space and avoid crowding the main entrance to the park.
All dogs must remain on fixed leads at all times, and the two leggers need to pick anything their four leggers drop on the way. Please watch out for other dogs that may well be off their leads on the walk, and please watch out for traffic moving about the car park.
Please try to remember that not all of the dogs or their two leggers are as quick on their feet as they once were, so please do not go charging off into the distance, and please allow for regrouping at strategic places so that we can all enjoy the walk together.
These walks are an excellent opportunity for dogs and their owners to socialise, and to raise awareness for the rescue.
We will be running Pound A Hound and the raffle to raise much needed funds for GRF