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Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

Flap front, thong back, for maximum tanning, lol

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

Hello, for me, it will be a kind of Native American loincloth.. As usual. :)

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

Hmm, I'd have to try both first to be sure. But I'd probably go with the breechcloth.

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

Deerskin breechclout here. Unless it's like 10 to 15 degrees Celsius...then I might wear a fur one.

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

We had fine and warm weather here in Germany today, so I took the opportunity to don a blue breechcloth and go out for a (short) hike. A great way to welcome springtime.


Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

If I had to choose from these two, I probably would take the breechclout, preferably with one end tied to the suspender.

But since I actually wear loincloths on a daily base ...
Usually, I wear a front-flap tied one, but I also do a bahag-style tying. It usually depends on the length of the strip.
Sometimes, I go for a small bit of extravaganza and do something with two front flaps.

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

Breechclout, hides everything the law says I need to hide,

Re: Which loincloth type would you prefer?

I like what they are in the style of man or wild boys (raised in the jungle) gives a more unique look, a bit mischievous and makes them look cute.