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Hi Doc,
My name is also Dawna. Just like your daughter. I found your site while doing a name search on "Dawna", which prior to the search I thought was a fairly unknown name. I am 40 yrs old, married with 2 children and living in Eastern Pennsylvania. In my lifetime I have only ever found 3 other people (mostly in news articles or other printed material, never in person) with the same spelling of their name as mine.
And as I read your website, I was amazed to find that your daughter is living in Albuquerque, NM, as that is where my Dad, Mom and sister live!
The internet has surely made us a smaller world.
Just wanted to stop and say "hi!". If you would like to write back, I'd be pleased to hear from you.
Dawna Henn

Hi Dawna...

Pleased to meet you. Your name is a rare one to be sure. I don't believe I've heard of more than just a handfull named Dawna. My daughter no longer lives in Alb. It is where she was born.

The world sure has gotten smaller.
Thanks for stoppin' by and sayin' hello.

D. Doc Derry