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Re: Baltzer Birth place

Hi Earl,
It's been a long time since we have talked. So much information has come to light since then. I remember you telling me that you had visited relitives in Illinois and the old trunk you had found.

There are several possibilities I am aware of concerning Baltser. One of them is that his father Jacob was in PA in 1738 or '39. So, what you are saying here has some merit.
If Jacob WAS in PA in '38, then this becomes possible. He may have traveled back to Germany, returning in '52 and landing in Maryland.

I tell you, this is such an awesome thing we have here, and Old Jacob is as elusive as ever. I am convinced however, that our two lines of Derry's are directly connected by one of Jacob Diery/Derry's grandsons or g-grandsons...probably Jacob, son of Baltser. We suspect he is the one who married "Old Moll", the witch.

I welcome your input Earl. Please throw as many 'monkey wrenches' at us as you like (smiling). It is always a pleasure to explore new possibilities.
I would love to see this 'document' concerning Baltser. If there is any way to forward a copy of it to me, (either by mail or e-mail), I can scan it and post it for all of us to see here.

Also, I would love for you to tell us about your trip to Illinios. I find it most interesting that someone from Illinios had something directly concerning that side of the family. We know that there was a split between brothers out of VA about the time of the Civil War. One taking the side of the Confederates, and one taking the side of the Union....odd that Illinios was his choice if he was not aware of the other Derry's there. I believe he was aware of them, and in fact knew them as family members....

Were it not for all of you out there, this web site would be pretty empty. I am glad to have been able to place this information here for all of us to have and enjoy. Truly a blessing.

Talk to you soon Earl. please keep in touch,

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Hi Doc.

Im so impressed with your web site and the information we are getting from it (THANKYOU).I am going to try to put A monkey wrench into The works as a long shot I have Baltzer born in Rosedale, Pa. Abt 1739. I got this Information out of an old trunk stored at relatives near Springfield, ILL. I will be pursuing this angle.