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Please feel free to post any interesting sights or information about Lake County or any questions that you may have.
I am seriously considering buying 20 acres in Christmas Valley. I live in Los Angeles, CA. This woud be an investment for me to use in a few years. Can anyone give me any information on Christmas Valley and surrounding areas?
The North Lake County Chamber of Commcerce is probably your best starting place to get information. Their website is: http://www.christmasvalley.org/
In May, I took a day trip to Christmas Valley and Fort Rock to get some new pictures and enjoy the scenery. I haven't gotten them officially posted to the website yet, but they are available for viewing at: http://www.oregonsoutback.com/christmasvalley/
Living in Christmas Valley is going to be quite a bit different than living in L.A. :) Christmas Valley is remote and small, mostly agricultural and dry. Bend is about an hour to the north and Lakeview is about 2 to 2 and a half hours to the south. The land is dry, high desert country with a lot of variety in the immediate area from lava flows, fossil beds, sand dunes, pine forests and sagebrush flats. The sand dunes can be a hub of activity as people come from all over to ride on them. The geological and historical variety are also very interesting. Certain times of the year (i.e. spring) it is green and beautiful, but it dries out pretty quickly in the summer. The night sky is gorgeous - you can actually see the stars and they go on forever. If you're looking for something quiet and remote, then Christmas Valley would work for you.