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Hüsker Dü/Replacements

I'm reading Michael Azerrad's fantastic book "Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991," and there are a couple of amusing dB's-related anecdotes.

Bob Mould, while Hüsker Dü was still a hardcore band, is quoted as saying, "We could sound slick and have no feedback and be pleasant. But our lyric matter is not; therefore, why should we sound like the dB's?"

Then, in the Replacements chapter, after explaining that the very young Tommy Stinson was the brat of the band, it says...
On one early tour, the band intersected with the dB's at a show at Duke University. The band's guitarist Peter Holsapple knew [Mats' manager Peter] Jesperson was a big fan and gave him a copy of the brand-new dB's single. As they pulled out of the parking lot of the auditorium, Jesperson couldn't wait to get home and throw the disk on the turntable. "I had the single up on the dashboard of the van," Jesperson says, "and Tommy actually knew how much that meant to meand broke it in half and threw it out the window."

Re: Hüsker Dü/Replacements

I know I'm supposed to be nice here,but what a little mean s#*t that Tommy Stinson was to have done that! Thanks for sharing that anecdote.
I wonder when and what single it was.

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