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Fetching Bones the beginning

I've known Hope from way back, I was with Paul Cole in one of our early practice sessions in his parents living room, seems like pretty boy Earl (future Bones guitarist) was jamming with us, can't remember his last name...Hope was there , talking about how she'd love to be a singer in a Paul asked her if she knew the words to " Hanging on the telephone"..we ran through it and it fell pretty flat..guess it really wasn't her style but we used it as sort of a gage that indicated she should forget this idea..some years later, Paul and I were between bands and worked up some songs with Hope and Aaron...everything changed, Hope had found her style, alot of good stuff was flowing and It was fun . I think we played their first gig as Fetching Bones time Paul and I had our own thing going and the Bones went on and evolved...One day Paul and I were setting up for a gig at the Night Shift as Area Z in Connecticut, and we saw their Video on MTV...I was GREEN..they may as well have been playing Shea Stadium...later I ordered a CD of theirs from the back of Sunday's Parade magazine...the one with "I'm a rug and you can lay me down", don't remember the titles but all those songs were very the "Toys in the Attic" album..It's beyond me why they did'nt get really huge, I guess Capitol did'nt give them sufficent promotional support...Don

Re: Fetching Bones the beginning

I'm pretty sure the song you're referring to is "Love Crushing". If my turntable still worked I'd confirm it for you. Fetchin' Bones was a great band live and Hope was a super front person - incredible energy and charisma. Reminds me of the good old days hanging out at Ziggy's to catch some great local talent like The Right Profile, The Othermothers, The Allisons, etc.

Re: Re: Fetching Bones the beginning

Yep, I kept running the song through my head and your right..Hum..maybe it's Love Crusher ?..Lav Cresherrrrr!!!..that's how I remember hearing it..I have a non working victrola piece of vinyl I'd like to spin again is a compilation album called Statements, Mitch Cooper was involved in it's construction, and was good enough to ask us to submit a track for it..geez, back in 1988..It had The INN, Misguided Youth, Jeff Clayton,Idiot (the), Marlon (I thought it was Pete) Cherry, The Ravelers, Area Z, Intensive Care, The Wigley's, White Elephant....I named them all lest someone be offended.....Don

Re: Re: Fetching Bones the beginning

As a huge Bones fan, I can confirm that the song in question is indeed "Love Crushing" from the album "Monster." As an aside, the band's name was actually Fetchin' Bones (no g on the end).

Re: Re: Re: Fetching Bones the beginning

Thanks..I wanted to say it was off the Monster album but I wasn't 100% sure if that was the name...Crushing, I'm pounding my head like Chris Farley....Don

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