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Re: dB Dilemma-with a capital D!

I'm with you. Back in the day, I hosted a 8 hour dBs/Holsapple/Stamey radio marathon and, earlier, risked school suspension to sneak out to shows... These days I live even further away than you, in Hong Kong, so it's a haul enough to make it back to the US once a year -- and this year I've got to go back for a family event two weeks after the concerts. So close, yet so far...

Solution with a lower-case s

Do not think for a moment that these shows are going to be all there is, because they are not. We are agreed amongst ourselves that we want to do a whole new record as soon as time permits. Much like your golf swing (have I been on the Hootie bus too long?), the tour behind the record is the follow-through. So fear not, and hope to the heavens that the international need for a new dB's album permits us to go get new stamps in the old passports and come play for you.

Meanwhile, sorry you won't be able to attend these first few shows, but you know you'll be there in spirit. (Your drinks will be cheaper that way, too.)

Re: Solution with a lower-case s

Now that does sound promising. Any chance of a show in London next year?



Hey Peter,

Aren`t you getting new stamps in that passport soon anyway while you`re still on the Hootie-bus...

Re: Solution with a lower-case s

Excellent reassurance, Peter. Lots of music festivals out this way these days (Hong Kong still lags, but Taiwan in particular is thick with them), so definitely should be some heavenly marriage possible.

Till then I'm cruising on (the most recent) memories of a solo show at Ziggy's on my birthday some years back, as well as a Continental Drifters show at the Howlin' Wolf a couple years later where Carlo let a jet-lagged visiting girlfriend of mine crash in the 'green room' and I played dead while you guys warmed up and got ready to play.


i think it was Russ then...

Re: dB Dilemma-with a capital D!

Thanks for the support,all.But these first concerts are,imo,of great interest,significance and r'n'r history.
Tokyo?Man,that is a long haul!Reminds me of leaving Chicago the day Gang Of Four pulled into town for 2 concerts this past May.I had no choice,as I was with my family and had to be in WI that day.Talk about "so near,yet so far"!
I wanted so bad to see Chris Stamey play last Fall,as I'd never seen him live,but got over it nevertheless.
But the missing the (original)dB'S first performance since '82 is totally something different.What if Har-meggeddon comes before next year or I'm hit by a Skoda and die,or if......?Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Sep. 17 is still a little over a month away,so there must be a way while time permits.
I've gotta come up with something.Any suggestions welcomed.
This is the only group I'd come over(if I could)just to see,meet and then hop on a plane the next day(or following days if the band allowed me on their bus/van/car/whatever on best behaviour to Maxwell's-hint,hint).I love you dB'S!!!!
Thanks for your patience allowing me to vent my feelings on this subject.
A depressed,dejected but not deranged(yet)dB fan.

Re: Re: dB Dilemma-with a capital D!

I suggest finding a patron. It worked for Shakespeare and Sidney, maybe it can work for you! What about Jere Hall? Liza Minelli? What's a lil' ho'in' for the dB's anyhew?

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