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Alex Chilton Missing

The rock singer and guitarist Alex Chilton, 54, of the recently reunited band Big Star, was listed on the missing persons page of, the Times-Picayune's website, on Thursday. He remained
at home in New Orleans during the storm, said a spokeswoman for his record label, Rykodisc, and has not been heard from since the flooding began.

Re: Alex Chilton Missing

This page promises to have any official updates on Chilton's whereabouts and well-being:

text from the geocities page

Alex in New Orleans - What We Know So Far

(Updated - Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 11:22 Eastern Standard Time)

Alex Chilton was at his house in New Orleans on Monday, August 29 when the hurricane hit. Two of his close friends in the city helped him board up the house Sunday night. He was not ready to leave, and according to his sister, he felt hurricane Katrina was going to land east of the city, like he thought hurricanes had often done in the past. So he lent his car to two close friends who evacuated out of the city, and we are keeping in touch with them for when he gets to safety and can call in.

Alex's sister in Memphis reached Alex on the phone Monday morning, and he told her he had just finished boarding up and told her again he thought the brunt of the storm would hit a bit east. Later Monday afternoon, after the hurricane winds died down, one of the friends who evacuated in his car reached him on the phone and he told her he had never been through something like that before but he was ok. He saw some minor flooding in his neighborhood but felt lucky at that point.

Since Monday, he has not been able to get back in touch with anyone because the phone system went out and the levees started to flood. There was one sighting of someone who looked like him in a photo on Thursday. The person appeared to be seated on the sidewalk waiting for help with other citizens on Canal Street, but the photo was too small for anyone to be sure.

That's all we know for now. Friends of the family have made reports to the Coast Guard to check his house and have posted missing persons messages to make sure he is looked for in New Orleans. Our thoughts are with Alex and the people of New Orleans waiting to be evacuated. As soon as newer, verifiable information is known it will be posted in the alexchilton yahoo group and the Posies message board by designated people close to the band and family, as well as updated on this webpage.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

This page promises to have any official updates on Chilton's whereabouts and well-being:

Alex was okay on Wednesday, according to this

> I am Patrick Mathe, friend and french record label of Alex.
> My friend Florent Mazzoleni, a french journalist who is also Alex'
> friend called Molly's bar on Decatur, following a post on the Nola
> missing persons board,
> The manager of Molly's confirmed that Alex was at his bar on
> and was talking about leaving town. Can anyone in New Orleans double
> check.If this is verified, it obviously means that Alex is alive and
> safe , the only question is where.
> I can't wait until this great news can be verified and confirmed.

I can confirm that the owner of Molly's Jim Monaghan (I may have
misspelled his last name) saw Alex on Wednesday and he was fine,
according to his employee Mike who saw him (I called there a minute
ago and asked). The phone number has been working there, but not some
places. I believe this is the point at which we should realize that
Alex is ok and we should at this point just leave it be and let him do
whatever he's in the middle of dealing with but that he is ok. Thanks

Re: Alex Chilton Missing

Whew. Thanks so much, Chris.

Go Go, Alex

Alex is too cool (and crusty) to not have survived the nation's worst natural disaster.

I mean, afterall, he survived Panther Burns...

Seriously, I hope everything is okay with him.

By the way, Mississippi is still reeling too — even though New Orleans is getting the most press coverage. It will be a long time before any of us recover. As for N.O., I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for the people I know and trying to focus on remembering all the great shows I've seen and times I've had down there.

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