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show #1...

was big fun in perfect weather, lots and lots of people, a somewhat foreshortened set, many old friends, many new friends (Adrian CZ included), some amp 'control' issues on my part. As I looked out on that sea of people at the Hideout Block Party, I was so happy to be playing with Will, Gene and Chris again. On to the House of Blues Back Porch in an hour and a half or so. And some coffee for the long day's journey into night...

Re: show #1...

Splendid show. Thank you so much for getting back together and for coming to Chicago. I knew it was going to be special when I saw Beatle Bob there. I felt like I was twenty five again. I think I saw a few hundred other fifty year old guys who seemed to know every word to every song and felt the same way I did.

Big thanks to the Hideaway, WXRT and Goose Island Brewery.

Travel safely and come back soon.

Re: show #1...

Thanks very much for playing at the Hideout Block Party. It was a great set, and my two year old rocked out as hard as I've ever seen him rock. Bravo!

Re: Re: show #1...

Wow, sounds like it lived up to everyone's expectations! Hopefully, things will be smoother as far as equipment goes at the Maxwell's gigs.

It is too perfect that Beatle Bob was there! You know it's a significant musical event if he is in the house.


Re: show #1...

Though of course I already thanked you personally on Saturday, allow me in this particular forum to thank you & the boys again for venturing to the midwest and doing these shows.

Defintely some major deja vu all over again in Chicago, eh? Great to see the city show the same love they've always shown for you guys. I too saw a lot of old Champaign and Chicago dBs lovin' homeys there that I haven't seen in ages, and everyone was in the same state as I was over how wonderful and magical y'all were and the vibe was for both shows.

When you sang "Love---love is the answer..." in "Black & White" for the second time that day at the HOB, that's when it hit me as to how I was gonna sum the events of the day up in one line to those who weren't there. Nuthin' but waves of love for you guys at both venues, and boy lemme me tell you, we in the audience were sure feeling it out in the crowd among each other---especially at the HOB.

As I think I told you before, I've looked at this reunion as a very wonderful and totally unexpected gift. So again, thanks for just doing it in the first place.

Until next time,
Steve Scariano

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