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The dB's Messageboard
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I always wanted to see the original dB's. I saw the Holsapple-led version at The Rat in Boston a few times which was superb, but I never thought that I would see the original band.
I am not one to write on web message boards or to visit them in gerneral, but I so enjoyed seeing them that perhaps its a bit cathartic to write to those who enjoy these guys as much as I do. I think, like any band, the dB's do what they do and did what they did because it is enjoyable for them and they have a great talent to write lovely challenging and aesthetically pleasing songs. They appear to love the fact that they have this history and found people who enjoyed hearing and playing the same type of music. I have played in many bands over the years, but never one that I truley treasured. I always wanted to be in a group like the db's. Its hard to find people like that, even in Manhattan! But what I don't have, I am happy to see that some do.
I was especially pleased at their manner and the way
they appoached their show. Stamey seems like he is atune to everything around him, he knows what is going on everywhere on that stage. A very in-tune guy.
But they also seem to be quite nice people. You know when you see a group for the first time or get to meet someone you had always wanted to, many times it is awful and you wish you never did, kind of like those dreadful stories you hear about Frank Sinatra. But these guys were not dissapointing on any level and I really enjoyed seeing them calmly weed through the sound problems they had at Monday nights gig at Maxwells. I think whats most important is that they transend so much bullshit and hero crap and they know where they stand and that they seem very foward-thinking people, not relying on past, but rather thinking ahead,as again, Stamey has demonstated by virtue of his solo releases and production credits. I wish that the amount of people who engage is crappy music/ movies and the like, instead had sensiblities that were akin to the type of music these guys play. It would be a nice world. Real class, very light hearted and what a real group should be. To all of them, cheers! And really looking foward to new material. All the best!

PS. the quote of the evening had to be this exchange between Chris and the rest of the band.

Chris: Hey, are you guys okay with that?
Peter: Okay with what?
Chris: (Incredulously) That (motions with his hands) Woooooomp!

(Speaking about this absolutely annoying sub-sonic sound eminating from the stage.

Re: A message

Right on, Robert.

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