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The dB's Messageboard
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Thank You Thank You Thank You

Guys, thanks for a fantastic Tuesday evening at Maxwell's. The new songs sounded great. "Black and White" just kicked butt. I noticed "Nothing Is Wrong" was on the list as a possible alternate to "Molly Says." I'm guessing the latter was easier on Peter's voice. (Hope you're feeling better, Peter.)

"From a Window" was a treat. Way back when, I saw Chris at Folk City. He asked if the audience had any requests. I called out for "Window" and he obliged. Just this year my younger sister saw Chris at the house concert in South Jersey. She asked for "Window" and he obliged. So we were thrilled to hear The dB's do it at Maxwell's.

Sorry about Chris's acoustic. My sister was up front when that happened, and she said it made her sick to see that. Good thing Roman Candle put on a really good performance.

Anyway, thanks again for a wonderful show, and for the autographs. Looking forward to the new CD and some more shows. It's great to have you back.


P.S. -- Thanks for the tix, Ed!!

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