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Double-Shot Tuesday

So I'm in my car this morning, listening to the radio (an everyday occurrence for many of you, but my commute almost never involves driving). Power-popper Michael Shelley was filling in as DJ on Jersey City's WFMU (.org, check it out if you're not in the NYC/NJ area). He started his show with "Living a Lie" followed by "World to Cry." Hearing the dB's on the radio definitely made my day!

Re: Double-Shot Tuesday

There was a brief flurry of dB's love on WXRT in Chicago leading up to the two shows, albeit post Stamey stuff. I heard "Think too hard" and "Spy in the House of Love" on consecutive days. XRT's Tom Marker introduced them onstage at the Hideout block party. Monstrous crowd there btw. Could have been three thousand or more. Except for the few hundred graying and/or balding men up front who knew all the lyrics, most of the delighted crowd was hearing them for the first time.

I have a friend who has a show on a community radio station in St. Louis who also worked at Vintage Vinyl in University City, MO. He says there is quite a buzz down there for both dB's and Big Star reunions.


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