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Shoes on MTV/VH1

It was so great seeing the Shoes' videos on the MTV first day replays on VH1 this past week. Almost worth sitting through endless Rod Stewart and REO vids. The Shoes' videos were so straight-ahead and non cheesy. I was never a big watcher of MTV, but the Shoes were always right up there with the dBs on my list of Bands I Love. It made me flash back to a bygone time where you had to seek out the truly amazing stuff and delighted at a mention of your favorite bands in Creem or whatever.

Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

I saw one or two of those the other day; that was pretty cool. You mentioned how hard it was to track down all this cool music back then, but wasn't it odd how many people we all knew in Jackson, Miss., who owned all those records? ('member all those guys who had eight still-sealed copies of Radio City and stuff?)

Anywy, so how's tricks, SX?

Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

Yeah, I gotta say that there were indeed an unexpected number of us die-hard pop addicts in our little rural enclave! We were lucky to have each other to swap leads and info with. I can't imagine what my life would have been without the dB's, Let's Active, Shoes, Records, etc. (what was that band called from NC or close that was headed by Scott Miller? Was that his name? One of the best shows I ever saw were those guys and Let's Active in some hell hole in ATL). I was even the recepient of one of those sealed Big Star first lps...complete with the 99-cent bin cut out sticker...but it wasn't notched! Thank you, Joe Bennett, wherever you least for the LP - not sure I can say the same about all the CS's hangovers. I figured I earned that vinyl handing with Joe and Dr. X. Not to mention the BJs. Anyway, many braincells burnt pogo-ing to pop have made me a better person (at least to my estimation!). Thanks, Tim, for being one of the leaders of the pop movement in the midst of the Hair Band era.

As for tricks, theys still be turning. In Richmond. Living my life with a die hard Shoes/Vapors fan. I dragged him to Hoboken for the dBs show last year, and so he too has now seen the light.

Re: Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

(what was that band called from NC or close that was headed by Scott Miller? Was that his name? One of the best shows I ever saw were those guys and Let's Active in some hell hole in ATL).

Do you mean Game Theory? That was Scott Miller's band (from SF, though). When I ended up here in Knoxville, I found out there was another Scott Miller who used to be in the V-Roys.

Glad things are good in Richmond ... you should see Susan; she's turned into quite the bass player/singer/songwriter in the last few years.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

I can attest to that. Susan rocks! You're a lucky dog Tim, but you already know that.

There is a new Scott Miller (Loud family) collaboration with Anton Barbeau that's out on 125 Records that's pretty interesting.

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Replying to:

(what was that band called from NC or close that was headed by Scott Miller? Was that his name? One of the best shows I ever saw were those guys and Let's Active in some hell hole in ATL).

Do you mean Game Theory? That was Scott Miller's band (from SF, though). When I ended up here in Knoxville, I found out there was another Scott Miller who used to be in the V-Roys.

Glad things are good in Richmond ... you should see Susan; she's turned into quite the bass player/singer/songwriter in the last few years.

Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

Hi Ramona!
Another Shoes fan here.I was wondering for which songs were the videos?
I've never seen any of these(nor the group live,for that matter-Louisville was, for the most part, ignored by the really cool pop bands of the era.Maybe it had something to do with turning the Beatles down when they offered to play there on their '64 U.S. tour.True!)clips and didn't know they existed.
Do you remember 20/20? Another great group who didn't set the world alight.
Best wishes,

p.s. I still have yet to hear Shoes on Ice.Have you?

Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

SX - Joe Bennett is still in the bold new city (well, actually Madison).

BTW - I just picked up the new Loud Family disc. It's very good. They even lead off the disc with a nice cover of the Stones Rocks Off. Go figure.


Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

Yeah, 20/20 was a good band ... their guitarist Steve Allen lives in Nashville and has a studio (who doesn't?). I run into him from time to time playing with various folks around Tenn.

Hey Bobby, glad to hear the Loud Fam deal is good; I just ordered it right before looking at this.

Re: Re: Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

Yeah! Game Theory! I loved that band; 20/20, too. As for the VH1/MTV thing, they aired Shoes "Too Late", "Cruel You", "In Your Arms Again" and "Tomorrow Night"! I also saw on a viewer list somewhere online that said they aired dB's "Working for Somebody Else" over the weekend. Hated to have missed that, but the few hours I did watch made me feel like I was on crack (again) so I had to stop.

I wrote Jeff Murphy after seeing the videos reaired and he replied that they were thrilled to see them in the rotation (and relieved that they didn't resort to cheesy effects like so many of the others did, at least not many!). He said he's in the studio finishing up a solo project, and that a compilation of the videos are soon to be released. Can't wait!

As for Susan being a bassist, well...we all know she was the real "talent" behind your outfit! Heh...

After your last post I remembered being at a party one afternoon at y'all's house and one of your bassetts carrying around a pair of paisley panties. I think it was his/her "toy" - my kind of pup.

Jack Silbert rocks, y'all. He's the shit.

Re: Shoes on MTV/VH1

Oh man, I get a shout-out in a thread with Bobby Sutliff and Tim Lee mentioning Shoes, Loud Family, Let's Active, etc.??? YOU are the one who rocks, Robin. Rockin' Robin...hmmm...that could be a song.....

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