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a question/offer for Peter

Hi Peter - i posted this originally towards the end of the thread of the "Unrecorded dB's songs" posts, but never got a reply from you. I realize that it may be because you are not interested in my offer, but in case it's something you simply never got to read, i wanted to re-post it one more time. This is the same Rick who sent the 20 some-odd cds of live dB's (and dB's-related) audio restorations and compilations to Will earlier this year. Here was my original post:

I've also meant to inquire to you about something i have which may possibly be an item you lost at the old homestead. I'm referring to the lengthy feature that Goldmine did about you some years back ("Six Degrees Of Seperation...."). If you need it, i have a full size photo-quality copy of it on heavy card stock, would be glad to send it to you.

Re: a question/offer for Peter

Is this an article on Peter and/or the dB's? I realize this doesn't answer your question, but I'd be interested in seeing it. Feel free to contact me if you can make a copy and I'll be happy to reimburse your expenses.

Re: Re: a question/offer for Peter

It was a lengthy feature article, and in the traditional Goldmine format of including a full discography after the article. It was written, if i recall correctly, by Kent Benjamin, who was one of my favorite Goldmine writers back in the day. He did a great job on this, really did justice to Peter's career (up to that point it was written, back in Sept. 1997). To make a photo quality copy on heavy cardstock would probably cost about $20.00 or so, but the place with the large-screen copier where i did this last year is no longer in business. These days i just don't have the time to find another place to copy it again.
I sort of thought that Peter would at least reply to this post, even if he doesn't want or need this, but what do i know? Very little, apparently.
I will email you another way to acquire this article.

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