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In 1978 I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and my mother and I resided in a nice little apartment building with mostly friendly neighbors. I say mostly because one of them happened to be Mark David Chapman. Of course this was before he became the assasin of one of the greatest minds of our time. Even though I was just a child I feel like there was something I could have or should have done. I have so much respect for what John Lennon said and his actions. Today, most of the "talking heads" just like to speak their minds from the comfort of their nice leather chairs but never take any kind of action. Lennon was not afraid to go out in public and display his nakedness if the result was peace.

This morning on the way to work I had a rather strange experience. The lyrics to the song "God" were running through my head. Not all of the lyrics, just one particular line. I had just heard "Love me do" on the radio when these lyrics popped in my head..."I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." It kept playing in my head like some **** broken record. I turned off the regular radio and tuned in to my XM radio and lo-and-behold, there it was. Not only was it the same song but it was on that same verse. If that doesn't give you chills up and down your spine I don't know what does. At that moment I felt as if I was really connected with Lennon in a way that he would have wanted me to feel. I knew that as soon as I got to work I would have to share this experience with somebody who would understand especially on this day.

Re: John

Taylor I know you couldn't know what actions that man would have taken back then, but i think there is something you can do now. the reason that man shot john was to be forever concted to John. this is my opinion but i say we dont give him the satisfaction. I personally will never utter that hateful murders name so long as i live. So if you have regrets about what you didnt do then do something now for John.

Re: Re: John

Thank you. I just wanted to be accurate but you have shown me exactly what he wanted and I believe it. Never again will I say his name. Thank you again.

Re: Re: Re: John

Your welcome. Glade I could help.