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Still new to greyhound owning so don't know if this is anything to worry about. One of the dogs vomited straight after his meal (never done it before) and a couple of weeks a go one of the other ones vomited in the middle of the day.
Can anyone let me know if this is anything to be worried about?

Lyndsey and Ben
(Forth, Suzy and Jack)

Re: vomiting

If it's a one off it's probably nothing to worry about, but if it becomes more regular I'd take them to the vets.

Re: vomiting

Thanks Steve

Hopefully it is just a one off. We are monitoring

Re: vomiting

Hi Lyndsey,
This is common after a greyhound eats a meal. They tend to gulp down too quickly and the food jams in their throats. This is especially so if they are not eating from a raised dish.
This is also the "greyhound fresh grass eating season". They love the fresh grass but it usually makes the numpties sick.
Steve is correct though. If it lasts for more than an odd occasion check with the vet.
Best wishes,

Re: vomiting

Thanks Jimmy

Yeah Forth has been 'inhaling' his food since the day we got him so it was only a matter of time?!? Poor Jack got the brunt of it as Forth decided his back leg would be as good a place as any to deposit his dinner!

We will keep an eye on him but he seemed fine straight afterwards.

See you on Sunday

Lyndz, Ben, Forth, Suz and Jack

Re: vomiting

Vince is exactly the same, hoovers the food or drink as quickly as possible and chokes himself. We've both had an armful before now, but the boy is very good and promptly eats it all again

As for the grass - keep an eye on them when pooing - we had to ever so gently pull a very long piece out the other day as poor old Vince just could not get rid of it on his own. Mind you, one greyhound fart and he might have had a hit tune.

You get some lovely unusual jobs to do with a grey

Re: vomiting

Glad to know we have not got the only grass eating, dinner bolting farting greyhound then LOL

Kaz, Pat and Ace

Re: vomiting

You are not alone!

Forth Suz and Jack have been eating Grass for breakfast dinner and lunch for the past month (almost)!!

Forth is quite simply a greyhound food hoover! Mouth open - a couple of inhales and gone!

He is the rebel without a cause in our household!

Re: vomiting

I get the feeling all Greyhounds are just buckets on legs haha, my 3 are the same - grass, anything edible really and plenty wind - you gotta love them