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It is with much heartbreak I am in the sorry position of having to find a very special, new home for Flora “the adorable”. I have discussed this with Celia and Jimmy today, and after a tearful visit have decided this is in her best welfare interests. I won’t discuss the details on this forum but if anybody can help, please speak to Celia or Jimmy, then contact me. For the present time she can stay at home here with me but will ultimately have to be returned to the kennels if no solution is found. Please, please, I cannot stress enough this has not to go on any other social media or facebook pages. I am truly distraught about this situation and this beautiful, gentle, young girly really deserves an A*** home. Sadly, she will soon be on the “Please choose me” page. Absolutely no fault of her own but mine and I am devastated, so please, if you can help or offer this truly gorgeous girl a home contact GRF.

Re: Flora

Hi Folks.
Flora will be in the kennels as from Saturday 20th July.
Come along and meet her.