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Helping set a show

Boys - what can I do to help set/book a show?

I am not a club owner, nor do I book bands at any clubs, per se, yet am very good friends with at least a handful of those who do (as I routinely play the area in a Cincinnati-based band that enjoys a decent amount of popularity).

So I ask - is there any step that I can make to try to establish a show in the Cincinnati area? The most logical venue would be The Southgate House in Newport, KY ( This is the venue that Chris played (which was not as attended as it should have been - see posts below), and is probably one of the cooler venues around. The last time the dB's played the area (1984?), they played right around the corner from this venue at the infamous and now defunt Jockey Club.

I would be happy to establish/organize a few support acts that would draw decent attendance (my band would love to do this for the mere price of being able to set up on the same stage) as well as make any intial contact.

Yours for the asking. If not, I will see you in the Windy City.

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