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The dB's Online Message Board is somewhat unmediated. Be nice. Your messages are welcome, but there are no promises that they will reach or be replied to by members of the band. Your suggestions for features are also welcome and will be considered for future inclusion. We request that you not post personal information, including email addresses, about anyone besides yourself without that person's permission. Don't forget to be funny.

The dB's Messageboard
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your cuz?

Dear Pete,
Do you remember an email exchange with Barb Holsapple? WEll, she's my sister. I live in NYC. I'm an actress in the downtown avant-garde scene but I also play keyboards and teach piano. My stage name is Theresa Faelte Lee. I heard about you years ago but I had a theatre co (I was crazy busy) and didn't really know how to get in touch. AHH, the wonders of modern technology! Anyway, I bought a ticket to your performance at the Bowery on the 13th. Do you know the story of the Holsapple name's spelling? Our ancester was a hussein soldier in the Revolutionary War who didn't want to kill his fellow farmers and deserted the army. He changed the spelling (to avoid the firing squad) and married a Pennsylvania Dutch woman! Do you think we could meet? Can't wait to hear you play!!!

Re: your cuz?

hussein? hessian?

Re: spelling mishap

Did I incorrectly spell it? If so, sorry! The word is the name of the German soldiers hired by the British to fight with them in the Revolutionary War. And NOT the last name of a certain Iraq dictator who is now dead. Pete, are you unable to reply to the message board?? I will see you play live tomorrow at the Bowery - really looking forward to it! By the by, Its a beautiful thing - helping your fellow musicians devastated by Katrina and the lack of help from the Bush. I'm marching on Washington the 27th to protest the war. Peace, Theresa

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