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Oh man it looks like it is all bad news on here today!

Apologies for not having contacted you sooner James but I had my car broken into last week and had loads of stuff nicked.

I will explain the full story when I next see you guys but I no longer have a phone or that nice Camcorder anymore :( gutted :(.

I will see you guys in about 12 days time as I am out of the country this friday. Just wanted to post on here incase you thought I had fallen off the earth!


oh noes :( Sorry to hear that joe - does that mean they got all the footage of us jumping around like maniacs?! ;)


**** Joe, that sucks :(
Hope things get sorted before you go off.
I sent you a text on Friday and didn't get a response, wondered why.


Sorry to hear that Joe :(
The next video has been posted thinking of whoever did it (the reason: pay attention to the end because who did it should get some of those in the "chubbiest part of their back")




Hi all a few chages going on at OMA for those who havent heard.

Firstly our new team badges are in , you can sow them on yourself but im taking a bulk of them to my local shop who can machine them on for 2.50 each. I recommmend this not just out of lazyness but its a much stronger hold. Please get your uniform to me BEFORE Sat and ill get them done for you. If you are not coming training on Fri please arrange another method. If you are training please come in a plain t-shirt (dont want to take sweaty tops home!)

Second bit of news is that we will be changing the payment method to monthly soon to save me checking every week and make things simpler. There are also a few other changes- please call me when possible and ill run you through it.

Thirdly and finally I have the dates we are going to spectate at our first comp in Feb . More details coming soon.

See you all soon, James


:) I am getting up and running again now.

Wont be around this weekend thou as I am goigng to Ireland but shall be about next Friday so really looking forward to that.

As for the footage a few weeks ago I got that off before it got nicked and have already converted it so you guys will get to see it soon!


Hey dudes

Joseph - glad to hear you're up and running.
Everyone else - sorry I haven't been around - a combination of still being unemployed and a persistent shoulder injury (trying to but I'm gonna try and come at least to do some kicks this fri init.



That video was dumb they are all like energizer bunnies hoping around like that! Also if it was OMA we would just take their other leg out and on the floor they go for some punishment!


Thems sounds like fightin' words Ben!



Hi all, following from my previous message I will need you all to set up a monthly standing order to start on NOVEMBER 1st to replace your current weekly system. This is mainly to ease my heavy paperwork burden keeping records of payments every week. Please set it up now ahead of time as will cause me problems otherwise.

There are a couple of other changes too, please RING ME BEFORE doing anything as I need to explain the details to you.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you,



Luis sends new masterpiece

Go to the members page and use the password 'amo'. Scroll to the very bottom to check it out, its very cool. This is a web version- let me know and ill send you the high res one in all its glory. For those who dont know luis he trained with us before you joined- the guy in white tshirt on front page.

One other note about traning tonight, tops are not ready yet so youll need to bring a tshirt. Thanks and see you soon!


Hi Guys,

Once again I cant make it to training this Friday as I have a shoot in Devon early on Saturday and will be going down on Friday. I cant believe how many sessions I'm missing I'm going to have to do some serious training to get back on track. well I wish you all happy training and don't learn anything new while I'm not there, I cant have you lot being too much better than me. I think your turning kicks need work.

Love the illustration Luis did, wicked.

Catch you all soon.


That picture is frickin awesome!


Yep. great stuff!


I love the picture, its amazing!

Although - wtf at me being blanka, hahahah


That picture is WICKED!!!
LOL at me having cigarette and the teddy bear LOL kudos Luis!!!


Luis dude - the pic is COOLIO INGLESIARSE!! You rock! I wasn't sure which of the two girloids I was but then it became clear - I must be the slacker one not wearing the kit - lol.
Uncle James - can we start a new club for people who've been away and are gonna get their asses kicked? Maybe Will wants to join

Has anyone else tried to funny typy/speaky advert at the top of the page? Hours of fun!!
Hope to see you guys Friday - I'll be the one in the riot gear



Hi guys, unfortunately the uniforms will not be ready tonight, I have seen the man this morning. Please bring a tshirt with you if possible and sorry for the late notice. Will let you all know soon as they are done so be on tshirt readiness for next sesh too just in case!

impressive clip sent at work:



Hi all, ok thanks to those who contacted me, the system goes monthly in few days so I need you set up your new standing orders immediately if you havent already.

Today please set up £20 to leave on the first of every month starting this November 1st.

This is now cheaper than £5 a week over the 52 week year (was ~£22 monthly). You now still gain access to Tuesday extended sessions for free if you make the Friday (can pay a fiver otherwise).

Ps. From now on for every friend you recommend who signs up you will get a further £2 off your monthly membership for as long as they train- saw a gym doing this scheme, pretty clever as everyone wins!

Please call me as soon as you have set this up so i can tick you off. Any questions give me a shout, J


Hey all! Glad you liked the pic! Sorry for late post...

Really want to visit you guys sometime next year for training. I´ll see what it can be done...

Hope you are all well!



Nice trailer thanks Ben, just to let you know Tues will be running as usual tonight for those who wanted to know, and this Friday ill talk to you about its future plans.
Thanks, James


Welcome to the forum Mike




OMA UPDATE - Personal Training Sessions!

Hi all, the new monthly system is working great, takes a huge amount of extra work off my busy plate. Half the uniforms are done and people have picked them up, each one takes hours so bare with me please.

As for the bonus tuesday lessons at the moment I am going to trial them as personal training sessions so you get total attention on your technique, and for a limited time will be FREE for members.

It can be difficult getting to two classes a week 100% of the time when you have a full time job especially in the VFX industry as most of you know. You guys can pick and choose when your busy but I have to be there without fail every Fri and a midweek Tues is difficult sometimes. This way I can continue doing the classes religiously on Fri, but only need to contact one person if I need to postpone a Tues. It also means ill get to spend more quality time with beginners and train seniors on their weak points.

I tried it last week with Ben and seemed to work very well. I will be putting up a personal training schedule page soon, but please EMAIL me now ( if you would like to reserve a space on the list, first come first served. Also means I can practice moves on someone too ;)



So does the personal training sessions start this tuesday?


I think this Tuesday as its the last will be a free for all (anyone can come for no charge) and following tues will be booked as a personal training sesh.

Just to clarify - you do not book specific dates, just email that address asap saying you want a sesh. Its first email first served, and Im currently working on a page to view when your lesson will be roughly be. It will all make more sense once thats up, just email soon as you can for nearer sesh


Hi guys.

I believe the next session (Tuesday 9th) is Ben's session?

My questionn is to Ben, is this an 'open' or 'private' session?

If you want a sparring partner then let me know as I shall be available on Tuesday and would love to train.


Just wanted to say that we had a good session on Friday... I did really enjoy James vs Mike´s fight... It was good (Well done guys, very good fighting and specilly grappling!!)

Uchi mata (inner thigh throw)

This is the judo version of the throw we were practising on Friday. Here it's used to counter a rearward takedown attempt.


Don't give it to him Joe, that was my first mistake. Got none-stop obscene phone calls from that day onwards but of course he denies it.

Sorry I haven't trained for a while guys, got various different excuses. I will be back in the new year with a vengeance, actually I'll be back a lot slower and fatter but....oh well.

I hope you're all doing well


Hi guys important notice: please do not put contact details on here as they could be picked up and use (I just had to delete a message). You can leave or get contact details for private lessons through me with the other member's permission.


hahahah james, steven segal does have that crazy expression on his face!


Hello Everybody,

Some of you I may have seen recently, others months ago. Either way I hope you're all doing well and are full of Christmas cheer this December. It is time for that
most fateful of e-mails; the New Years Eve outing/dining sorting! Myself and Alex 'the tater' Tate have been discussing plans for this New Years Eve and after
saying 'No, you sort it out!' to each other over the course of several weeks, I finally gave up and said I'd do it (yeah yeah, buying a house, moving to Australia. Sounds
like a bunch of excuses to me!). Anyway, we were playing with the idea of actually getting to Primrose Hill and watch the fire works this time, unlike last year, with the
added luxury of having a hamper full of sparkling wine to toast in the new year. Before hand, we will dine at a nice restaurant and afterward, a carriage or two will
lie in wait for us, ready to whisk us to my abode where more drinking and frivolities can continue.

Now i will need to book the restaurant soonish (within the next week) so if I can have numbers. Everyone is welcome. We shall not be doing ice skating again as that did
delay us before. If people want to organize meeting up before hand for that, they are more than welcome. I'll be saving myself for the meal and the rest of the night.
If people would like me to, I can buy plenty of booze and snacks for the house the day before and if everybody could contribute towards it, that would be great.

So you gorgeous lot, let me know what everybody thinks and give us an idea of numbers soon.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to one and all!


P.S. I do apologize for missing people out, so please forward this to make up for my terrible fopaux.

Reply to


Sounds good Si thanks for organising this, put Sandra and I down for places please. Was thinking about doing another Omni Xmas dinner but seems most people are going to be away- including me in Spain. Might have to just mix it up with Simons idea and/or maybe just go for OMA drinks after last sesh. Lets see what happens anyways.

For those who were asking last night here is that clip I was talking about. This is original ITF TKD and not the olympic sport WTF version where you cant use your arms. You can tell by the lack of blue/red body armour and they use gloves/boots instead. See how the Korean waits for his timing and then lets the tornado go when he is not ready to block it. Notice how he always stays just in range taunting the european and springs away when he attacks. Also a nicely timed axe kick midway in there too...

Enjoy, J

ITF Taekwondo Knockout - The most amazing bloopers are here


Hey guys,
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a good Christmas. Should see you all on friday night, so look forward to catching up with everyone.

There's a few of us going out for dinner on monday next week to say cheerio to Alex. It would be nice to get everybody together anyway so if you would like to come, give me a text on
0790 3867721. We'll be meeting up around 7 - 7.30pm in soho.

Hope to see you there.



Happy New Year Guys!

Hope you had a great New Year's Eve. Sorry I've been so crap. Hope to make an appearance in the near future - not going to bore you with my excuses! What's this about Alex leaving?!?!?!! Crikey, it looks like I've missed all the news

Hope you're all fab. Miss y'all.


Sorry guys.

A correction on my last message. It's actually a lunch rather than dinner. If you are around at 1pm in Soho, let me know and I'll book an extra seat at the Italian restaurant.


Hello all,

Big update for you, ive been working away in the background and Omni Martial Arts is now offically a member of the World Association of Kickboxing Organisations!

So those of you interested in going to watch the British WAKO Champs in Feb please let me know. On other notes, I will have to stop the free bonus tuesdays soon as it really takes it out of me being there hundred percent every week. After teaching the club for over three years and not making a penny I have decided, (and been convinced by you guys mainly) I should make something from it. Prices are not changing etc, but of this Jan it will no longer be a non-profit club. The best bit is it wont affect you guys at all. It will still be the same low price at roughly 4.60 per class, but just means ill take whatever pennies are left over after costs are covered. I will also be re-insuring everyone this Jan so that I do not need to keep track of individual dates, all insurances will be renewed every Jan from now on. If there are any questions on all of this please let me know and I will go into more detail. But in a nutshell you do not need to do anything, just thought youd like to know whats going on behind the scenes.

I figured after the kickboxing news the following clip was the most appropriate, enjoy! J


Hello Omnians, two bits of news for you.

First up on Tuesday 3rd Feb next week will be the last sesh I am renting the Tuesday Gym. I have spoken with the owner and I thought it would be nice to have one last big sesh all invited to say goodbye to it (especially if you never got to see it). Ive asked him to invite his karate/kungfu/jujitsu guys to come along too so we can meet them too- they are a friendly bunch and might get to learn some new things. Hope as many of you can make it so that we look cool and not just me turns up :). But seriously no obligation to attend at all, just if your not planning on anything would be good to have you along.

Secondly the World Association Of Kicboxing Organisations Annual Comp has set a date for 22nd Feb, let me know asap if you want spectator tickets and ill put you on the list. Thats all for now, take care and see you soon, J


Chuck Norris is a Toss-piece, he looks so wooden compared to Lee....and how rubbish are his spinning back kicks?? (obviously im not saying we're better, but for his level of fame for martial arts?) Oh and he has hairy shoulders like Will

James, im in for the competition tickets thing please if people wanna go, sign me up baby!

Not sure if im training on the morrow cos of my dodgy leg, but hopefully.

Take it easy folks.


The comp sounds like fun. If you could tell us how much the tickets are, I'll let you know if I can go.

Oh, on a separate note, could everybody just check if they have picked up my top from James by accident since he had the badges put on. The label on the inside should have my name or initials. It would be much appreciated. Thanks all!

According to Family Guy, Chuck doesn't have a chin under his beard.......only another fist! I wonder if Bruce is hiding any extra legs anywhere?


A good fact on Chuck there Si, I would like to add a couple more so we can all know a little more about him and the man he is....(I liked the vid btw James, have heard about it but never seen that fight)

There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.

Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.

Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.

Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.


Haaa! Love the list Tony. The man's a ledge as my brother would say.

Watched the vid that James put on and I love the ending of it. That knowing look between the two guys. Bruce shakes his head. 'Don't do it man! It's not worth dying over!' But the man's pride just can't take it.

What a tit!


"Way of the dragon" - Great movie.

The reverse side kick is a dangerous weapon:


Cheers Tony, my hairy shoulders were a well kept secret.
You’ve ruined me man.

Unfortunately I can’t come to the World Association of Kicboxing Organisations Annual Comp, as I ‘m in Paris then. Gutted I can’t come.

Also I’m not coming training tomorrow, got loads of work to do for a wedding fair on the weekend.

So Ill be there on Tuesday to see the old gym off, see you there.


Hi all quick notice- due to all the snow and not being able to get through to gym owner, im going to postpone the last tuesday to next week. Hope it hasnt caused any problems and give me a call if you need. So in summary the last tuesday will be on tuesday 10th feb. Enjoy, James


Hey Guys this is your last chance to tell me if you wanna get cheaper spectator tickets to the Kickboxing Competition on Feb 22, give me a call by tomorrow and ill put you down as it goes up in price slightly, Thanks, J


Ps heres a pic of last years:


Wanted to double check that tomorrow is still on!


Thanks for checking Will, ive been asking all week but seems the gym owner cant get his guys down- I will explain later. Ill be there anyway so anyone who still fancies coming down is welcome to the last tuesday gym sesh. Cheers, J

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