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Re: Greyhounds off the lead

Hi Dawn,
The post came from your computer. It's signature was checked.
Casper was on the GRF rehoming list, that is, kept by you, for us, at his time of death. In my book, fostering. Just like Pepe.
Regarding a vendetta - I simply answered your post.

Re: Greyhounds off the lead

Come on guys - enough is enough. Lets end it now, and let poor Lily rest in peace. Please freeze this thread - we have all had our say, let that be it.

Kaz, Pat and Ace

Re: Greyhounds off the lead

Hi Concerned Anonymous Greyhound Owner.
Your first point refers to the removal of the "details post". I have no idea who posted, no idea of what details you are talking about other than a known 'phone number but I didn't like the post so I removed it instantly when I saw it. What else would you suggest I did????

SANDRA - when I removed the post the subsequent posts were simultaneously removed. Sorry if this disturbed you but I thought people looking at your reply would have wondered what you were talking about without the previous post. I agreed entirely with what you said.

CONCERNED Regarding Paula's time delay. She is undoubtedly a good friend of Laura and I respect that. However she was not such a good friend to the dog. She could have called us anonymously ( like you still are an expert at ) and the dog would have been saved without Laura knowing. This is our only complaint against Paula, but a very costly one.
You state that Paula was upset - fair comment, but, no more upset than we were when we realised that she could have saved the dog. Paula is not being harassed - you keep on posting and bringing it up again. Ask Lily if Paula has been fairly treated.
Regarding Bernie's comment - I have no idea who he is and I cannot control what he says on my free forum, the same as I cannot control what you say.
Regarding documentation - see Union Farm posting.
Regarding your right to say - which you have - if you want to come down and tell me my wife should wear a muzzle, be my guest and you'd BETTER bring the police, as you suggest.
I now consider the forum has deteriorated enough. It is meant to help dogs, not put people off them, so I intend to lock the thread, but remember what all this agro was about.
Someone, carelessly and needlessly put a healthy little dog to sleep and someone else had the power to stop it. We still have a greyhound in the "care" of Lily's owners ( fully documented, see article 8 ). Nothing else can be said.

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