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Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

How lucky you are, friend, that is good and you should take advantage of that virtue. ^^

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I think it was pictures in magazines or books, or maybe some TV features from far away places in the tropics, and certainly some re-runs of old Tarzan films on TV. At that time I was a schoolboy who loved to spend a day at a swimming pool, a reservoir, or my parent's garden just clad in speedo-type swimwear. But a loincloth I only tried to make myself in secret. That was in the 1980s.

Only much later (and, in part, thanks to this forum!) I re-discovered the loincloth and wear one not only at home, but also as an alternative to my still-beloved speedos.

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I liked your story, you remind me that just like you, I have saved several Speedos clothes when I went swimming. Today I also wear my loincloth on quiet days and one day I would like to try it in a pool nwn

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I don't remember when exactly it started, but The Jungle Book likely had a part. But the bigger draw for me was Last of the Mohicans, Dances With Wolves and Indian in the Cupboard. That last one was probably even my first actual crush, though I wouldn't admit it until only a couple years ago when I came out as gay. But yeah, ever since I can remember, I've found myself attracted to men in loincloths of all types, but breechclouts especially.

As for creating my own, I haven't really had the confidence to try it. But I have bought some pre-made ones. I have a wool breechclout I wear for reenacting that I think I posted a while back, but I wear it with a lot of other gear as well. I'm not confident enough in my physical shape to go shirtless! Maybe one day... I do look forward to being able to kit up again though.

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I am very glad that you discovered your sexual orientation at the same time because of your liking for men in loincloths. Just like you, the same happened to me, only with me it was for the movie "The Jungle Book of 1994" and having my "first crush." I hope one day you will be encouraged to go out without a shirt and have confidence in yourself ;)

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I cannot really say what started my interests in loincoths. It must be the time when my puberty started. I can remember that I saw some ducumentaries and read some books on foreign countries with picture showing men wearing various types of such gear. I was fascinated and still am, both with men and loincloths.
I soon started to make my own loincloths, first just two flaps, later I improved the design. I still wear my gear in summer when out for hiking or camping.

Re: How was your discovery to interest in loincloths?

I cannot really say what started my interests in loincoths. It must be the time when my puberty started. I can remember that I saw some ducumentaries and read some books on foreign countries with picture showing men wearing various types of such gear. I was fascinated and still am, both with men and loincloths.
I soon started to make my own loincloths, first just two flaps, later I improved the design. I still wear my gear in summer when out for hiking or camping.
It is very interesting the documentaries that usually appear men wearing loincloths although he does not dream of seeing much of that. Just like you, I have also been improving my loincloth over time and I use it in my private moments... one day I will go out there to enjoy the atmosphere n.n