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Bananas are not the only fruit/veg that Booker likes. I would never have thought that he would like tomatoes as well.

I was making Gaspatchio soup yesterday. Booker was laying on the floor watching me. I dropped a quarter tomato and he snatched it up and ate it. Tula heard the faint noises of "food" and eating and came trotting through from the bedroom.

I was amazed. I decided to give them another quarter each. Booker carried his out to the hall and ate it. Tula was not quite sure what to make of it, but carried if to the bedroom and in to bed with her. There she kept picking it up, dropping it and sniffing it a few times. Later I noticed that it was gone. I don't know if she ate it or if Booker ceased the moment and took it....

Don't think monkeys eat tomatoes....

Settling in

It has been 7 and half months now since Booker and Tula found us wondering around in Fife...

I see more and more signs of settling in which is great. One thing in particular that I see more and more of every day, especially during the walks, is that Booker is looking at me when there is a choice to be made i.e. which direction to take or if I give a command. He is still boisterous and unruly at times, but calmer than before and easier to control.

They got very wet on the walk this evening. It is fairly mild outside and the rain did not seem to bother them. I get the impression that they prefer that to wearing the raincoats. Decided to try the hairdryer after we got in. None of them cared for that. They were not scared, but it made them want to play and jump around...

Back to the goood old towel rub. They loooove that...

Of course they are sleeping now...


Booker has never been to happy with the muzzle. He keeps trying to rub it off and tends to turn away when we put it on. However. After the walk, when it and the leads came off, we always give them a good scratch.

Based on a suggestion I decided to try the opposite. We did put a treat in it before which also works, but I would argue not as well. Every time I put his muzzle on, I give him a good scratch after it is on. This has resulted in him now standing still waiting for it be put on and then receive his rightful award...

With the treat in the muzzle he was more eager to shove his nose in and then move about until he got the treat, which actually made it more difficult.

Re: Muzzle

Back to work tomorrow morning so Booker and Tula are back with Rachel and Eddie for 6 days.

I took them there this evening around 8. They jumped straight in to the car and they were happy to see Eddie and Rachel again. (But not as happy as they were to see me when I returned before... )

But then, when Eddie took the inside, they walked straight on with him and did not even look back....

NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!

I am blaming it on the rain.....

Home tomorrow

It's that time again. Tomorrow I will be back home and pick up Booker and Tula from Rachel and Eddie. Can't wait to see them again. I am sure they will be happy to see me as well. (Ihope... ) lol

I'll tell you about it tomorrow evening.

Very happy

They were definitively very happy to see me again. It was nice. I tried to film from my mobile when I met them again. It did not work great, but gives an idea. Here it is:

It is not them making all that noise by the way...

As soon as they had said hello to me, they pulled really hard on the leash, straight for the car and jumped in wanting to go home. I know they are well looked after, but it is nice that they want to come home. Hope they want be too upset when I have to leave them there again from Friday...

We got home and I took them for a long walk before we got up to the flat, They settled right in to their bed with their pig ears....

Tonight I on the last walk, around 11pm, I had them in the closed in area so they could run loose a bit. They enjoyed that. Tula seems a bit more playful. Booker is a bit like "can be bothered to chase you, but he joined in eventually. Not they are sleeping and I expect them to do so until about 8-9 am. ( hope)

Their friend Sleet

They actually slept until 9:30 this morning. Very happy with that...

This evening we walked with Sleet, a Lurcher that we walk wit on a regular basis. Sleet and Tula like each other, but Booker likes to demonstrate his dominance., but the last few times we have walked, he has been absolutely fine. I hope he got that we do not tolerate that kind of behaviour. They both like Maria, Sleet's owner. We were out for about one and a half hours. we decided to take all three of them to the fenced in area and let them loose. I think Sleet was not used to have any other dog being able to keep up with him, not to mention out run him...

I left Booker's muzzle on. He initially wanted to show that he was bigger and stronger, but after having been corrected he was fine. There were no doubt anyway between the dogs as Both Booker and Tula are bigger than Sleet. The exercise was a great success and will probably be repeated on the final walk in about 30-60 min.

Sorry Tula....

I do apologise beforehand to Tula for this pic on here. But I always thought her posture in these situations were sooo funny that I wanted a pic....

I was walking them with our friend Graham as you can see.

Tula having a moment...

They are both doing well. I picked them up from their "vacation home" two days ago. They were happy to see me and wanted to go straight home. They now very clearly knows where home is and it is really nice to see.

I am sure they miss Greg. He should be back on the 1st of November. In the mean time they will have to back to Rachel and Eddie for another 6 days from Monday. They are quite settled there, but of course it is not home.

Done a couple of walk with Sleet as well already and that is going very well. Doing another later tonight.

They are much more relaxed when we meet other dogs even if Booker still requires a lot of attention... But I am very pleased with his progress.

Re: Sorry Tula....

I can't believe you've just posted a picture of Tula 'in action'!!!!!!!

Re: Sorry Tula....

Not very ladylike, but it had to be done.

And back again

So Booker and Tula has been at their "camping" trip again... I picked them up early this evening. Again they were ready to come home.

They had a little accident during the week. A disagreement over food resulted in one of booker's teeth getting getting caught inside Tula's gum and made a sore. She was taken to the vet and apart from being a little swollen and having to take antibiotics (again...) she is fine. Does not seem too bothered at the moment.

After we got home, I took them straight from a long walk with Sleet and Maria, and towards the end we took them to the "cage" were we let all three of them loose. Booker was really play full and tried to engage Sleet in some running, but he was too concerned with fire works going off, poor thing.

But in his excitement he almost crashed in to Tula who was also running. I was very impressed by the recovery where he jumped over Tula and kept running.

After we got in I brushed them and put some conditioner in their fur. AFter eating, they crawled up together in their bed. I just had them out again and Tula has gone to the bed, while Booker is staining in the living room with me.

Tomorrow will be an exiting day. After two months of visiting family in the states, Greg is finally coming home. I know they have missed him and I look forward to their reaction when he walks in the door.

Family complete

They were soooo happy to see Greg again after two months away. It was really good to see. They are both in the bed with him at the moment, but still coming back and forth between the living room and the bedroom. Suppose most of the evening will be like this....

I am about to take them outside for a "shower" and some business...


Actually a few days went by with Booker and Tula frequently wandering between the bedroom and the living room. Tula in particular was not too happy whenever Greg was going out of the house and for about a week she would put herself between him and the door.

She would come in to bed and put her head on top of him. They were clearly happy that he was back.

It has all settled now. They seem relaxed and content and we some new personally traits emerging, all telling us that they have settled in our home, or their home as it also is now.

I would say that they are fully house trained by now. I was just thinking that the other day and guess what: Booker pee'd in the hall in the middle of the night. I guess he did not want to go out in the miserable and cold weather....

On the walks Booker is still improving when we meet other (small) dogs. A combination of discipline treats seem to do the trick.

Tula still thinks she is a lap dog. regularly trying to get up on our lap. I guess in a dogs mind, if we occasionally allow them to step up on our lap, then it is always allowed, except for when we say no....

get your heads around that one....

There has been a change for us as well. They are no longer the "new" thing in our life. They have truly become a fully integrated part of our family. yesterday it was nine months since they melted our hearts and came home with us.

Re: Settled

Great news. All your patience and understanding has really paid off. I'm sure Tula and Booker will really enjoy their first Christmas in their new home.

Re: Settled

Hi there, i know your 2 babes very well Booker and Tula i help out at rach and eddies on a sat to walk hounds etc greyt to see them so so settled didnt realise you got them form celia and jimmys well done xxx

Happy New Year

Hello and a very happy new year to all from Greg, Nicolai, Booker and Tula!

We are now at 10 months, 2 weeks and counting since they arrived in our home. It has been interesting to say the least, but they are doing well.

They got through the cold weather just fine, all wrapped up in coats etc. They saw a snowman for the first time in their life, at least thats what it looked like.... They did not know what to make of it and approached it with a lot of cation, a lot of sniffing and finally they marked it when they discovered it was no danger...

Booker did not seem to mind the snow at all, but Tula was not happy with it. Her coat combined with snow to her ankles meant that she would not do anything while we were out. We kept them out until at least they did something and eventually they got used to it. Especially with the rub down from a warm towel after we got back in. Now they stand still by the door and await the hot towel treatment after the walk.

For the most part we still walk them 4 times a day, but they are now well enough trained so that if we are both working they manage through the day with no "hiccups", except that they will both be in our bed when we get home.....

When the snow started to melt we had a period with lots of ice. On a little hill where we walk them from time to time, Tula was sitting while sliding down slowly, Don't think she was too impressed.... On the way up, Booker was sliding backwards while trying to "run", He did not seem to care.

Here are some picks from where we walk them. It was -12




It is not easy to get both to look at the camera at the same time.... Photobucket

Here is one of Tula all wrapped up before we took them out on one of the coldest days/evenings. I am sure she would have preferred to stay in if she could...


Finally a note on the ball playing areas in the park. There is large fenced in/locked up area with two football pitches in side a 8-10 feet tall fence. One with normal grass and the other with artificial grass. It is locked at night and has been the last week or so as well.

About 4 days ago I discovered a hole in the fence....

Naturally this was an opportunity not to be missed. The first time I went in there were three boys in there playing. I saw them climb over the fence to get in. I took the easy way in...

I staid on the other half a had for a run. when I was ready to leave I went over to the guys and told them about the hole in the fence for an easier exit. One of them said he was in good shape and though maybe he could outperform Booker and Tula. He was welcome to try and of course lost miserably. Tula went straight for the football and was hugging it when she got to it. They both had a great time playing with the boys. Here are to short video clips from that day. Last one just after they were done playing with the ball. You can see they were tired. You don't see them playing with the kids, but you see them run around and having a good time. Filming is not the best, but thats to expected from a phone....

Here are the links:¤t=dd0380cf.mp4¤t=8ee273cc.mp4

P.S. Tula did eat her biscuit shortly after...


Re: Happy New Year

Great to hear the latest news from Tulla and Booker. I can't get the links to work, but the dogs look brilliant in their winter coats. So glad to hear that all you patience with the toilet training has paid off.

Re: Happy New Year

Hi Agnes, and everyone else.

I use for all my pics. You will have to copy and paste the links in to your browser window and it should take you there. It works from my computer anyway.

If not you can got to the following address:

It is only one album named "the twins". It has all the pics and videos thats on the forum + a couple more.

Afternoon trip

We are getting ready to take a little afternoon trip out to GRF just to let them and us say hello to all and a little run if weather permits...

Apparently mud baths are good for you.....

Re: Afternoon trip

Hi Guys,
We're so sorry that we missed you today. A happy New Year to all four of you.
Thank you for supporting us. Much appreciated.
Celia and Jimmy.

Re: Afternoon trip


Thanks for that.

We made it there and it was all deserted.....

We thought about the runs, but it was soooo icy there still and of course it started to poor down with icy cold rain, so we did not take Booker and Tula out of the car. They were very good and did not seem too bothered.

Me managed to leave two trays of sardines in tomato sauce and a bag of treats in the kitchen and said hello to all the dogs by the front.

We almost took a couple more home.....

This morning

We had a little lying in this morning. As late as 09:20 before they got us up... (Can't wait for the clocks to go forward again...) Maybe they were still tired after the long road trip yesterday.

We beat the rain and took them in to fenced in area with playground in it. It's within this area that the small fenced in ball playing area we used before sits. This time we let them loose in the larger area. It's like a small biker course with little humps etc in it.

They were more exited than we though, especially Tula was a bit feisty... As soon as we let them loose they took off running around the whole area. They did come back as soon as we blew the whistle and then took off again as soon as they had their treat.

They were at it for some time. We decided to just let them run. They have not gotten as much exercise as normal during this snowy cold spell that we had. They were exhausted after and now they they are crashed inside and probably will be for a while...

I comment about peeing habits. Over the last few months Tula has started to kick up dirt after she does has business. I think I mentioned that before. But also she has started to climb up un raised surfaces, like a tree stump, a log, a branch etc to pee on that. This morning she stood almost sideways with one leg/foot resting up un a tree while twisted around in an attempt to hit the tree itself. She missed... It would have made a great "action photo"... It is not the first time she has done this. None of us have ever seen a female dog put her leg up like that.

And finally to Celia, Jimmy and all the voluntaries, I hope you all got a can opener. We just realised this morning that the sardine cans we left yesterday requires one... Sorry.


Hello again.

Jus a small update on Booker and Tula. In two week it will one year exactly since we got them. They have given us a few headaches, but more importantly, a whole lot of pleasure.

Their coats have gotten a little thicker in the cold weather, so I guess it is time for the "Micky Mult Master (firminator) to come out again.

They had to go to camp Eddie & Rachel again while Greg and I went away for 4 days. It was all fine. When we picked them up, they jumped straight in to car almost before saying hello, wanting to go home. I know they are very very well looked after there so it is nice to see that they want to come home.

We have enrolled them both in a dog training class. This is both for them and for us. We can perfect the way we do training and they get to learn and to socialise, even if there are Poodles and Westies there.....

They have been there twice now. The first time they were not remotely interested in anything. not even the treats. I think Tula was a bit stressed as well.

The second time they both did really well. We had been working on some of these commands for some time anyway, so that helped. Booker was a bit restless during class and kept howling a bit in the back, but did respond to treat and command. Of course this time we were a little better prepared with strong smelling roasted chicken that we cut up and used for treats. They love it.

Towards the end of the class, we were all up on the floor one by one to demonstrate recall. It meant getting the dog to sit and stay, then walk about 10 steps away before calling the dog to you. The dog then has to come to you and sit before getting the treat. And before you ask; yes, both Booker and Tula sits very well. They did by themselves before we even started to use it in training.

We were a little concerned that they would head straight for one of the smaller dogs as soon as we let go of the lead. Bu they did't!

It was impossible for to get Booker to face in my direction while getting him to sit. He sat down fine, but insisted on facing the other dogs. As I stepped further away he watched me with on eye while also keeping an eye on the other dogs. But he did not move and when I called him, he came straight to me and sat down in front of me.

I was most impressed....

Booker in car on the way to class
Booker in the car

Tula in Class....
Tula in class

She doesn't seem that interested does she....

Finally, here is a short video of the after walk ritual, last part of it anyway. Every time we come in after a walk, let go of the lead outside our door (3rd floor) and make them wait while I open the door and go inside. This is again to emphasise leadership and that I am sharing my "den" with them and not the other way around. They do this very well and come in when I call them. Booker in particular sometimes want go in an at all before being called. They then wait quietly while we take our coats and shoes off before taking off their leads and collars. They wait patiently because they know that they will get a really good scratch after and they absolutely love it. They come and sit down in front of us waiting for it. We do this after every walk before giving them a pig ear, dental stick or dinner/breakfast depending on the time.

You will have to copy and paste this link in to your browser.¤t=af5c717d.mp4

Are they loving it or what?

Re: Update

As a trainer at the obedience course Booker & Tula attend I can say I am very impressed with the behaviour of these dogs,yes they keep their eyes on the smaller dogs but Greg & Nicolai have worked very hard with them and they clearly know who the bosses are.I hope they continue to get better as they are lovely dogs.


They got freshly roasted turkey leg with their dinner tonight...

It has been an eventful year with its ups and downs, but mostly ups. I would be lying if I said that the thought of taking them back never crossed my mind, but how could we. We were entrusted with these lovely animals with a less than ideal start to their life's. So from everything between peeing/pooping inside to going crazy when seeing other dogs, biting other dogs and us I would say that things have settled dramatically and they are a very much loved and integrated part of our family now. (Have been for a long time)

Firstly, they are now for the most part fully house trained. I say mostly because Booker peed inside yesterday and today. But interestingly, yesterday he did it after we got home and he was exited. During our research before getting the dogs, we read that dogs sometimes do that when they get exited and it is actually a sign of respect as well... Good to know.
Today I think it happened because left the house when he told me in no uncertain terms that he wanted to go out, but I left the house as it was only one and a half hour since the last walk and still 3 hours to their normal walking time. Booker is very very good at letting us know when he needs/wants to go out. He makes some very funny noises and movements. If he gets desperate he grabs my wrist ever so lightly almost as if to pull me to the door.

Yes it has been a lot of work, but it has also been very rewarding. We all follow pretty much the same routine from day to day. They know that our bed off limits. Usually anyway...
Booker is very good and will not get in to the bed unless we are out of the house.... Tula likes to get in it when we are in it.

Starting with the night, We all go to bed and they go to their own bed which is also in our bedroom. (No reason to keep the pack apart..) Between 6-8am Tula will get up. She comes around the bed to my side and start licking my face, her tung going like a machine gun... I am tuned in to this now and hear it when she comes, so I cover my face, but stick my hand out and pet her on the head and neck. Having satisfied herself that all is well, the "weapon of mass soaking is retracted and she walks around to Greg's side of the bed, leaving me free to snuggle up in my now "moist" duvet... She repeats the attack on Greg's face as well and then jumps up in the bed insisting on laying between us at the lower end of the bed. This is when we allow her to come up and stay. We like it and it gives us at least an extra hour in bed....
Sometimes she will try her luck and come up in middle of the night, but she is newer aloud before after 6-730. as soon as she is out her own bed, Booker gets up and rearranges the duvets on their bed, making himself a nice nest in pile of 2 duvet's... Then we have some time of peace and quiet.

Usually a bit closer to 9 there no hope of staying in bed any longer and we take them out for the first walk. The length varies subject to weather. If it's nice we keep them out for about 45 min to an hour. AFter their walk they get a little bit to eat. A can of Sardines between them (sometimes one each) with a little dry food. If it is a work day, it starts a little sooner. And after they had their breakfast, they go back to bed and don't even get up while get ready and walk out the door. But as soon as we are out, one them will be in our bed....

Next walk is usually about 1-2 O'clock followed by a pig ear each. This is usually the longest walk lasting between 45-90 min. If we are both working they will have to wait until we gets home. This works fine with no accidents inside. Evening walk around 6-7 followed by the main meal and the last walk usually around 10-11, then it all starts again....

On their walks, they are a lot calmer than they used to be. We can destract them with treats and they are learning discipline. Booker trying to assert authority has all but stopped and biting or nipping at us is also a thing of the past. Meeting other dogs can still be eventful, but as soon as we start walking with the other dog owner, Booker looses interest and gets back to his own thing.

From time to time we are able to let them loose in a fenced in area and they take full advantage of it. It's lovely to see them run.

As you all know we are taking a training class. The trainers are really good and we are very happy with their progress and how calm they remain during the class. Even if Booker tends to get up and howl a bit from time to time...

I could go on forever, but I think it is enough to say that this has been a very rewarding experience. I am sure Booker and Tula are happy with us. We are certainly happy to have them.

Great thanks to Celia and Jimmy for choosing these to for us. Yes they were chosen for us, or at least very strongly "suggested".... I don't know what they saw in us think we were suitable, but I only have 5 words:


As far as we are concerned, they are doing a fantastic job along with all the voluntaries.

Re: ONE YEAR TODAY!!!!!!!!

Best wishes for the future and many happy anniversaries!!!

Re: ONE YEAR TODAY!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary to all four of you!
And thank you for sharing the experience in your posts, they have been both entertaining and inspiring to your many readers.
Sometimes it's the challenging dogs that are most rewarding, if you can just 'hang in' and give them love and time. You've got most of the hard work behind you now and I'm sure the ensuing years will just get better and better. Congratulations!

We cheated....

We were in dog training class again last night. They both did really well and we were floating out on cloud9.....

But we cheated...

Before the class we took them out and let them run for a wile. By the time we got to class, they were already a bit tired.

The last exercise was a new one. We all (10 of various sizes) had to stand in a circle and one by one we had walk in and out between everyone. Once Tula had laid down, she did not want to move. She was a bit in the way and Greg grabbed her feet and pulled her about half a yard along the floor like mop. We all had a good laugh.

Booker was a bit more "distracted" but very responsive to corrections and was for the most part very good.

We might cheat the next time as well.....

Re: We cheated....

you should cheat again next week as they were the stars of the class this week

Angry, but then happy....

I just can't help it, sometimes other people makes me sooo angry. Yes I know, I am having a little rant... I am of course not talking about just anyone, but other dog owners.... A few ones anyway....

A lovely day outside this morning. Booker and Tula stayed in bed until about 9. The there were no question about it, time to go out. They had to go!!!!....

On a Sunday this is "Doggy Hour". Lots of dogs in the park. Generally I would say that they were really good. A weimaraner of the lead came up for a check, the owner some distance away, but the dog was well behaved, kept a respectful distance and Booker and Tula behaved well, even if they wanted to go/run towards it...

Then we met a couple with a small black puppy. A very exited dog and it came running towards us. This sent Booker and Tula in to a bit of a "frenzy".... I turned them around trying to get away from the puppy. It's owners shouting for it to come back and being duly ignored. This dog did not only stay at the back, but kept coming up on the side.

Strangely enough Booker was the one easiest to control. He sat down. That pleased me a lot. Training class has done them both a lot of good.

Tula was a bit more "hungry" and went for the puppy a couple of times. She is normally fine, but she demands the proper respect from small dogs and puppies. If she don't get it, she is not happy...

The owners finally came and got it, saying that he was only puppy. That excuse might work for the dog, but not the owner.... I told them what could potentially happen if did not control Booker and Tula. They repeated the same excuse and I suggested they used a lead.

She then proceeded to tell me that the fault was with my dogs (partly true I suppose, they are Greyhounds after all...) and that they behaved the way they did because I had them on a tight lead and did not let them loose...

I wonder have happy they would have been if I had let them off the lead...

I was furious, but I just walked away at this point. They know the "danger" now, so next time when they see us in the distance they will go another way.

It took me a little bit to get over my anger, but a little bit of practising sit/stays and walking to "close" with Booker and Tula did the trick. And I must say that Booker in particular was very good, sitting down with a small dog running around him.

I contribute that to the training we are getting from Cambuslang Dog Training Club. The results are very good.

Sorry guys, that was my rant for the day. They are back to sleeping now after I "fluffed" their duvets for them....

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