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Shedding Hair

Hi guys,

Our 3 year old has started shedding an awful lot of hair lately, as she is the first greyhound we have owned we were wondering if this is normal or not. Any feedback would be much appreciated !

Re: Shedding Hair

Not sure how long you have had her, but we got Ace at the end of July. Around October time he started shedding loads of really fluffy stuff but I was advised it was his kennel coat and now that he is indoors with central heating, that is what had caused it. We were quite concerned for a while, but he is much better now. A bit bald down his back legs, but a lot of them suffer with that I think, but the rest of his coat is really shiny now.

Hope that is of help

Kaz, Pat and Ace

Re: Shedding Hair

Thanks Karen,

We got Sandie 3 months ago so i think you could be right with the kennel coat theory (never heard of it before but it seems to make perfect sense). Thanks again.


Re: Shedding Hair

Aw is that Sandie thats in the lovely pics on the post your pics bit?! Yup sounds like a kennel coat to me. Bambi's coat was lovely when I got her but she still shed quite a lot for a while...treat yourself to one of those sticky roller things and keep brushing it out of her and you should soon return to the days of less hair floating about!!fingers crossed!!hee hee!

Re: Shedding Hair

Have a read of this thread - we got a furminator after reading it and it's fantastic! You can get them off eBay for under a tenner

Re: Shedding Hair

I got a furminator too, they are fab. Lawn was covered in fur but it got rid of all that soft hair