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Re: New family member.

Althoough you are better go with a male dog I really like
Neus or Bambi. She looks cute. Sur looks really unusually doesn’t he? Nubis is also lovely, from the info it looks that he has got a nice personality. Good luck with your new dog (dogs).

Re: New family member.

That's great news. I'm sure he'll settle in quickly with your expert guidance. As for getting a third, well - why not? If I can handle three I'm sure you guys will manage no trouble at all

Re: New family member.

Hi guys,

Nubis looks, and sounds, lovely ... both you and Tula have taken the time you needed to grieve for Booker - he will always be in your hearts - and now you are all ready to give another homeless dog (perhaps dogs) a home.

Booker, I am certain, would be very proud of you all, and would be delighted to know that you have taken time to ensure that his beloved Tula has a new friend (friends) with whom she can share her life.

Mo, Bootsie and I look forward to hearing about your adventures as you all start a new chapter in your lives.

I do hope we will all meet some day.

Susan xxx

Re: New family member.

Hello again.

Thanks Susan.

Today is already a day of somber reflection. It is the day when we pick up Nubis. He is about 45 min away, and we will pick him up at 18:00 tonight. We are really looking forward to it, but at the same a bit nervous. When we got Booker and Tula, we had no time to prepare. We expected to see some dogs, go home and think etc. We went and came home with Booker and Tula. They changer our lives.

This morning when I walked Tula, I was thinking about Booker and also Nubis. I was wondering how the two of them wold have gotten along. I know the answer. They would have gotten on fine after a proper introduction. Remember Sleet in Glasgow. A Lurcher that we used to walk with. All three of them really enjoyed our walks and play in the fenced in ball area.

It will be good to get another companion in the house. Nubis is around 5 years old. We are discussing finding a different name, but have not come up with one so far.

I will keep writing under this thread. Even if none of the names matches anymore, Tula is still here and for me it is now more about Greyhound life.

Re: New family member.

Congratulations! I hope very much that Nubis/new name settles in quickly with you all, and look forward to hearing all about him and of course seeing loads of photos.


Well, here we are.

Nubis has entered the house and Tula has a new brother. He remembered me when I went to pick him up. He was quite exited and happy to see me, which was a good sign. He jumped straight in to the van, but was not happy when his foster mum, Montse, walked away. He whimpered for a while when we drove off, but eventually laid down.

When we got home, He was happy to see Greg and Tula as well, and Tula was happy to see him.

We started by doing a long walk with the two of them before we took him in to the house. We walked him around every room and corner of the house before letting him loose. He wondered around for a bit, not knowing what to do with himself.

When they said he pulled a little on the lead, it was the understatement of the year... He pulled a lot, and pretty much the hole walk was spent correcting him, apart from we let him do his sniffing, business and getting aquatinted with Tula.

We then fed them. I stood between them while they ate, but there were no sign of possible incidents.

He respected our space when we had our dinner and it seemed like he was used to being allowed in the kitchen during cooking.

We always gave Booker an Tula a little peace of our dinner after we finished. This we do in the kitchen. Tula was as usual watching us carefully, just waiting for any sign of getting up and go in to kitchen with the plates. When we got up, Nubis responded to her reaction as well and followed her after us, clearly understanding that something gooood was coming.

The last walk of the evening went fine as well. He seems to slowly pull slightly less, but we will see... He has already found the couch and at the moment is resting next to Greg. Tula has gone upstairs and to bed. We are trying to ignore a bit and let him settle, but we can't resist to scratch him a little...

Earlier while they were both laying on the couch, he suddenly jumped up and got exited and playful, wanting to play with Tula. She stood up, moved towards him and stood close to, blocking him towards the back of the couch. It looked to us like she was calming him down. He responded to that and laid back down. She is twice as big after all....

Well done Tula!!!

Here are the pics from this evening:


On the couch

On his blanket watching us during dinner. He eventually laid all the way down.

Tula and Nubis

Treat time...

And finally, his foster mum made this slideshow of Nubis and posted it on Youtube. Here is the link:

So far it has been above all expectations. He wags his tail a lot and especially when we move towards him. He seems to settle in nicely already.

Re: Nubis

I was looking at the SOS Galgos page and the dogs (again). Are the galgos smaller than a greyhound? Nubis looks a bit I would not say smaller than Tula but more fragile shall we say. Under some pictures there is weight of the dogs and I was surprised how light they are so they must be smaller or have different body build. Some of them weigh less than Jess and she is about two thirds of a greyhound, quite tiny.

Nubis looks lovely on the photos and they seem to be getting well together, love the treat time picture.

Re: Nubis

Hi Monika.

Yes, the Spanish Galgos are significantly smaller than their Scottish cousins. I don't know the weight of Nubis yet, but I am guessing between 15-20 kg's. He is small, but as tall Tula who weighs 37kg's...

Re: Nubis

By now I don't expect there to be any problems between Tula and Nubis. They're getting on just great. He is pulling hard and constantly on the lead when walking, something that will have to be corrected, but I think he is beginning to know what we want. It will still take some time though.

He follows us around the house and he is very affectionate. This morning he followed Tula in to our bed. As usual we got an extra hour out of it. Already if one peeks an interest and come trotting down to investigate, the other follows. They are still trying to out pee each other during the walks. I guess that will still last for a while.

Here some more pics:

In bed at night.

On the couch. (again)

And finally: Who's the Hummer and who's the Alfa?...

She's just biiiig...

Re: Nubis

First, congratulations!!! I think they make a good couple.
Maybe Tula is just big bone built. You can see the difference when you look at the parts of their bodies not covered with muscles or (fat ). Anyway I can not see any fat on either of them.

Tula & Nubis

All muscles! No fat! Not much anyway...

And to think that Tula used to be the little one...

Re: Nubis

Thanks for the answer , glad it works for you, they are lovely together, you are very lucky. Think the peeing thing will go on for few weeks, it did with Floyd when we got Jess, it took him about two weeks to realize that she is not just visiting and she can pee in the garden too. Must be a dog's thing.

Hope you have a nice Christmas and a good next year. You deserve it.


Re: Nubis

Great to see Nubis settling in so well

Re: Nubis

Its great to see that Nubis is settling in well with the rest of the family. Nothing wrong with being a big girl. Our Lucy is 34-35 kilos and we only notice how big she is when she is with other dogs. Looks like Tula is showing Nubis the ropes and the photos of them both are lovely.
Think you two might struggle to get a seat on the sofa with them both on there though!

First incident

Nubis settled in so well that tonight we decided to leave them at home while we went to the shops. We walked and fed them first and then we left.

We had been told that he had a tendency to shred pillows, so we were a little concerned, but hoped that Just having been fed and with Tula there, we might get away with it.

We did get away with the pillows. However, the garbage was a different matter. Booker and Tula never ever made it in to the garbage bin. We though this one was safe as it has a top with a lid in it and you have to press a spring loaded button to open the lid.

Nubis had managed to remove the whole top and it was bit of a carnage on the floor and an empty blue cheese pack on the couch.

The couch now smells like someone passed a lot of gas on it...

We completely ignored them both for a while while cleaning up the mess and putting away the shopping. It was not for punishment as he would have no idea why, but what we would do anyway so he learns to calm down a bit when we get home.

He is already a little calmer during feeding time, but he has clearly been used to being a bit of an opportunist, so I think we have to watch him carefully. First thing: from now on the rubbish bin will be in the back room behind the kitchen...

He has found his space on the couch and he cuttles up nicely and seems content.

He does seem a bit bony...

Today I also walked them by myself for the first time. He was little more manageable then. When we both walk them, he does not like it when Tula gets ahead, and he resists heavily if I try to walk him in a different direction. I think Tula makes him feel safe and thats a good thing.

Re: First incident

My last boy was an expert bin raider. Rubbish bin, bread bin - if it had 'bin' in it's title he'd make it his mission to raid it!! We had to hide them from him, although when we changed the kitchen worktop from beige to black he stopped jumping up at it, so at least the bread bin stayed safe

Another couch pic

I think I can stop with couch pics after this one. Just to emphasise that they are doing well together. I would have liked to been a fly on the wall when the bin was raided. I keep wondering how active Tula was once the lid was off...

I took this pic just now. I guess they are waiting for us to go to bed...

They have taken over the couch...

Re: Another couch pic

That's a lovely photo. He's settling in very well.

Oh the bin! That brings back memories of having to have the bin in the cupboard under the sink. My lurcher girls are not guilty of that at all, in spite of the word 'lurcher' apparently deriving from a gypsy word for 'thief'.

Re: Another couch pic

Ok one more... Booker used to lay like this as well. I posted that pic earlier, but here it is again.

Safe with his new big sister.

And here Booker and Tula.

Walk and cuddles

They had a couple of long walks today, now they are both passed out after having finished their dinner.

We took them through some long forest path's today. Nubis still pulls a lot on the lead, but he walks better on a narrow track as knows he is not to be first. We did some walking to heal and sit training after we got back from last walk. Best time is when he is tired and less resistant... It worked well.

Here are two pics from todays walks.

This morning.

And early evening walk. We were out of an hour and a half.

Nubis loves his cuddles and scratches. Especially he loves his back and butt rubbed. Here he slides his behind in over Greg's knee for the attention.

The scratching begins.

And here he slides over the knee...

He still does not like it at all when we walk passed fences with barking dogs on the other side. Tula has long learned to ignore it as she knows they can't reach her. She tends to sit down and pee in front of them...

Learning the rules

Sorry guys, the smiley heading last post should have been smiling. The sad smiley was a typo.


We do have a bit of work cut out for us. Not only is Nubis a bin robber, but also a "counter surfer" He barks a lot when it's time to go out and he pulls a fair bit (a lot) on the lead when walking.

We are working on the pulling. He still pulls on the lead, but at least he now reacts to corrections for a second or two. I was able to get him to sit down and pay attention to me across the street from the 5 barking St Bernard's. I peace of smelly cheese was of great help.

When we prepare to go for walks he still barks a lot out of excitement. He has learned the command SIT (His english is improving.) and I think he knows that we will not put his lead on before he is sitting. He has learned that he is the last to go in or through the gate or doors.

Inside the house he is very sweet and cuddly. Today we had the first "scruff" between him and Tula. I did not see who started it, but Nubis was a little exited and had wanted to play a minute earlier. I gues Tula was not having it and put him in his place. They stopped immediately when I jumped up from my seat and I sent them both to bed.

That being said, they get on great. The other day I saw Tula licking his ear.

We are stilling trying to find a name for him. Two candidates are Sooti for his black collar, or Roman from his odd shaped roman nose. You can see it on the pic below. It's an asymmetric shape between his eyes.

Re: Learning the rules

I like Roman is a Polish name as well
But we usually call our friends named Roman-Romek It sounds nicer and less formal than Roman in Polish.

Re: Learning the rules

The name issue has still not been resolved... A bit pathetic, I know. For now it is still Nubis.

The two of them are still doing well. We have decided to hold off for a third hound for now as Nubis still requires a lot of work during walks.

The good thing is that even if it slow, there is a progress. In the house he is still as sweet as ever.

They both like to go out and expire/patrol the garden together a couple of times a day.

He does not like to sleep in his own bed. If our bed is off limits, he prefer to go downstairs and sleep on the couch. I guess it is comfier, definitively warmer in the living room.

Here are a few recent pics including one of him yawning in front of the fireplace.

Ready for bed. Who's bed?...

I was surprised when I found him in the chair. (It's not a couch pic...)

There are a few more pics on the photo sharing website that I have not posted on the forum. Just click on any of the pics and it will take you to the album.

Re: Learning the rules

The photos are gorgeous :-)

The second one down looks SO like Bootsie !!

Thinking of you all.

Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

The Pack

The peeing competition is half over.

Tula has stopped peeing on top of Nubis' pee. If she walks past, she will have a sniff and then carry on. I guess she now considers him part of the pack, and therfor no need to double mark.

Nubis on the other hand, still makes a wild dash, ripping of your arm, in order to have the last pee... He runs out fairly quickly though.

Half of their bed is between the closet and the wall. Last night Tula went to lay down first, taking up the space between the wall and the closet. Nubis wanted to come in to our bed, but I called him over to their bed for him to sleep there. I had prepared his side so he could lay down in a "nest" and then I could fold over the duvet and cover him. His fur is very thin and the room does get cold at night. Tula seems quite comfy, but she got thicker fur.

We usually cover them both anyway...

To my surprise, he did not lay down on the empty half, but squeezed himself down in the space next to Tula. She did not move and they both stayed there until this morning when it was either time to go out, or to come in to our bed. Guess where they ended up...

Below are some pics from outside the house.

Nothing like a bit of sun.

On the way back from patrolling the back.

They never learn

They always want to smell the same thing. With Booker, Tula would go in under his belly to sniff, so when he lifted his leg, she got a squirt on her head.

This practise has continued with Nubis, except that he is much quicker, so there is no time to pull Tula out of danger. However. Today she got her revenge. As she was getting ready, Nubis stuck his head under her belly from between her back legs. His head got soaked...

He did take notice though. Later on the walk, when the same thing was about to happen, he pulled away to safety before moving in to pee on top...

Re: They never learn

He looks stunning, very fine-boned, sleek and elegant.

Re: They never learn

Thanks Kathleen:

New collar

We finally got the new collar for Nubis that we ordered from Ann Rees. Same place we got Tula and Booker's collars from. Again we went for the double padded ones. Royal Blue on the outside and Jade on the inside.

In this case, the Padding is a must as he pulls so much on the lead that his skin gets a little red. His old collar was Nylon which of course did not help.

It is a perfect fit and there is less friction.

Ann was kind enough to again give us a discount in the form of a donation to GRF. She also makes all the collars for GRF. If you are buying a new collar, please have a look at her website:

Here he is with his new collar:

Re: New collar

WOW .... what a smart boy :-)

Bootsie has an Ann Rees collar too - they are great quality.

Glad Nubis is settling in well - big cuddles to him & Tula,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

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