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Re: Siesta. Again...

He seems to have learned well from his new sister!

Nubis' paw

Poor Nubis has hurt his paw. He doesn't seem to be hurting when walking, but he keeps licking on it. We got suspicious and had a look. When touched between his pads, he pulls his leg back. The Vet has given us some ointment and antibiotics. If it's not better in a couple of days, we have to take hime back. Maybe a small thorn or something.

The night when out in the garden, the were both very interested in a nettle that they could not get under. The nettle weeds are fairly "robust" here. Nubis barked against it a couple of times. Of course I got curious and I flattened the nettle, just to discover a poor little hedgehog rolled up in ball.

The dogs were now in "mortal" so I had to get them inside right away. They both came when I called them, so no problem there.

I am away working, getting home later today, Greg told me that when Nubis saw him with the bottle of anti infections spray, he slowly got up from the couch and moved upstairs... Poor thing.

Here are two pics of his paw. Looks awful, but Greg says its a little better now.

Like I said, he does not appear to be hurting, but there is clearly something going on.

Re: Nubis' paw

Ouch! Hope that heals up quickly.

Re: Nubis' paw

I am back home and had a closer look at it. It is much better. It has scarred over and he no longer yanks his foot away when touching in between the pads. We still give him the antibiotics and rub on the ointment.

Looks like it will heal ok. We will still keep a close eye on it.

Returning home

Nubis has so far not been one to for any kind of licking unless it's food of our hands. Instead he rubs his nose against our skin. Never seen any dog do that before. When he wants to play with Tula he "pokes" her with his nose with a motion similar to that of a woodpecker. Never seen any dogs do that before either.

I have just been away for the first time since he came to live with us. When I returned, they were both exited as expected. He was so happy that he kept giving me these tiny little rubs with his nose and in-between I got a couple of tiny very quick licks as if he could not contain himself.

I was chuffed to bits...

His paw is much better as well, but we still wash it with warm salt water, rub in the ointment and give him the antibiotics. We will do that for another few days.

I already spoke about how much they dislike the rain. Here are a couple of pics outside/ It was raining, but they had to go out in the morning. The first thing they did was to take shelter. The wall is the side of the pool and the pool decks hangs over, providing shelter from the rain.

Under the cover outside the living room:

Tula was braver and eventually ventured out from the over...

He did not...

Nubis at the Vet


Yesterday we took Nubis to his first vet visit. It was also his first walk through town and we were a little concerned about how he would be with all those dog walkers and of course the animals at the vet. It was also his first trip in the van since we brought him home.

Tula just jumped in and laid down. She knows the drill. He jumped in as well, but kept standing up. He has jumped in the van a few times when the door has been open. It seems like he really likes to go for car trips. He stood up most of the way looking out the window:

We tried the muzzle on him before we left the house and did not seem to be even remotely concerned about it, so that was a relief.

In town he was exited about all the new smells and environment. Very well behaved. When we got in the more congested area and close to the vet, we muzzled him.

Greg took Tula for a walk down by the beach while I took Nubis to the vet. Greg told me that Tula was very well behaved and when another smaller dog got a bit too close, she sat down and looked at Greg, wanting a treat for "grabbing" the other dog. We are trying to train them so that if they ignore a dog barking at them and pay attention to us, they get a treat. They are getting the idea, but it does not always work. Tula definitively is better at it than Nubis.

It has been 6 months since we got Nubis, and I guess I can stop saying how well they get along. There are no issues and he is a fully integrated family/pack member. He loves to meet new people when they come to visit. He is a little cautious for a few seconds, but the moment he sees Tula going up and getting petted, or one of us greeting the guest, he is all over them, wagging his tail and wanting a peace of the action.

At the vet he was very well behaved. Before we went in, he met two Labradors that were in together. He sniffed them and showed respect by standing still with his ears back while they sniffed him. I guess having been a street dog, he knows the drill.

He took to Ursula, the vet, right away and got to meet Marley, her Galgo. They got on well to, even is Marly was more interested in the treats in my pocket...

Nubis got his vaccinations and worming pill. After giving him a thorough check, listening to his heart and lungs etc, Ursula said he was in perfect health. It was really nice to see how the two interacted with each other and how gently she got Nubis to do what she wanted.

Another thing that really impressed me was that she had translated Tula's full history from the vet in Glasgow. I had emailed it to her when Tula was in 3 months ago. Now it was all in Spanish on their computer system.

I really like her and even if I am a bit worried (a lot) for Tula, I do trust her to keep her safe. Tula is going in to have her teeth cleaned on the 12th of July and you all know what that means...

Here are two pics of Ursula with Nubis:

Last week our friend Graham from Glasgow came to visit for a week. You may remember that he lived with us when we got Booker and Tula and there is lots of pics of him on this thread.

Tula was very happy to see him again and Nubis took to him right away and kept following him around the house. He even went as far as spending a night in his bed.

Jealous? Meeee???? No idea what you are talking about...

And finally:

A happy and content dog.

Re: Nubis at the Vet

He looks so like my Pancho lol

Re: Nubis at the Vet

Great to hear they're doing so well. My two, Lady and Bonnie, have always got on well too, and it's lovely to see how the bond has strengthened now they've been together a couple of years.
Hope all goes well for tula at the dentist.


The other day we forgot to close the kitchen door when we left the house for about 20 min.

Before we left, this had peanut butter in it..

Fetched down from far in on the kitchen counter.

One thing we are certain of: A Lady would never do this...

Re: Who?

OH MY GOD ...... did anyone have an upset tummy ??!!

Bootsie also loves peanut butter, so will ensure it's in the cupboard from now on .... !!!

Love to you all,
Susan xx

Re: Who?

No upset tummy. Poop as normal.

Tula's teeth

It's that time again.

Tomorrow Tula with have her teeth cleaned. Upon instructions from the vet, we have given her antibiotics for a week.

As you all know, teeth cleanings means being put under. I am, not looking forward to it at all. I can't help but being a little extra cuddly with Tula (and Nubis) as I keep gazing over to the box with Booker's ashes.

I am sure she will be fine. Ursula seems to know exactly what she is doing and she has her own greyhound, or Galgo as well. Bur still... I can't help but to be worried.

Her appointment is at 10am in the morning.

Re: Tula's teeth

Fingers crossed that the trip to the doggy dentists is straight forward.

Re: Tula's teeth

TOTALLY understand how apprehensive you must be

Bootsie had to have a lump removed from his neck, under anaesthetic, on Monday and we are still waiting for the results ...

After what you have been through, your concern is understandable ... here's hoping all goes well for Tula tomorrow - sending her, and you, big hugs (and hugs for Nubis too!).

Susan & Mo xx

Re: Tula's teeth

The trip to the dentist went very well.

Ursula did a full blood test and a EKG on her before putting her under. No teeth removed, luckily...

She was not very happy when she realised we were walking in the door to the vet. When they wanted to take the blood sample she was all tensed up making it more difficult.

Ursula told me that once the got upstairs and they were starting to give her the anaesthetics, she was all relaxed and calm again.

We went back to the vet after an hour and a half. Ursula told us she was very well and sleeping. we could pick her up at 5pm, 4 hours later.

While we were home, Ursula emailed us this message and picture:

"Tula is waking up from anesthesia and she is so happy with her clean teeth, se has a nice smile."

We thought that was a nice and very considerate touch. Although we were not expecting any problems, we are relieved.

Her teeth looks lovely and although her breath may not smell of roses, her licks are much more pleasurable...

Re: Tula's teeth

Awwww .... so glad for you guys that all went well - it must have been a long wait for you, and your thoughts would be very much with Booker, I know.

Have a fabulous weekend,
Susan xx

Re: Tula's teeth

That's a huge relief, and great news

Re: Tula's teeth

Delighted to hear that Tula is doing so well!

Re: Tula's teeth

This evening (or morning) we came home after celebrating 17 years of mariage and found a puddle on the floor... We think it was the Lady of the house due to her treatment today.

They re both fine though. Took them out for a "relief" in the garden. Maybe we get a longer lie in tomorrow... Not likely...


Since the last post, we have had a couple of puddles when returning home, but it has all stopped now. They are both doing well.

We have changed the routine a little due to hot weather. Normally we would walk them before feeding so they have to "work" for the food. However. At feeding time, it has still been 30 degrees and sunny, so we feed them and then walk them after sunset. It has worked well, but we will soon change it back walking first. The mornings are still the same, although for some reason the long lay in's in the morning does not happen anymore. Around 07:30 they start to get restless.

Usually one of them stays in bed during the night. Tula has gotten a bit fuzzy and tends to get out when Nubis comes in. He will get in and squeeze himself in no matter how tight the spot, which may include ending up on top of anyone of us, including Tula. She then gets up and gets restless. A little rearrangement between us and Nubis, and we create enough space at the bottom of the bed for her to be comfortable. If lucky, we get an hour, but then there is no mercy. They need to go out...

Nubis still barks a fair bit and also still pulls a bit on the walks. Remembering back, it took Tula and Booker about a year before they calmed down completely. Nubis still got 4 months... ;) He has calmed a lot when we walk past gardens with barking dogs. He is generally ok with the once he knows are there, but not so much when we suddenly discovers a new one.

first walk after I got home from work.


Although it has been hot, they both like to lay out in the sun and bake for a few minutes, before they get hot and come back in to the coolness of the house.


I think I mentioned the house with 15 Chihuahua's. One of them is a long haired black male and always barks when we walk by. They have both notice it, but I think Tula in particular would like to invite him for breakfast...

Here is Tula up on the wall looking for him to extend her invitation...

They tend to do everything together. Usually Tula hears a suspicious sound first and will make the appropriate noises... Usually starts with some heavy breathing and a "I am not happy about this" sound. Nubis immediately jumps up, run outside and barks without knowing what he is barking at.

Guess who rules the nest...

Coming down the stairs together.

This week our pool boy brought his little son with him. We knew Tula would be fine, but we had never seen Nubis with kids before. That worry soon disappeared. I gave the kid a treat to give them and they took it of him ever so gently. I'll let the pics speak for themselves:

It's only 4 seconds.

Nubis is not exited anymore when we prepare their food. Sometimes he is not even in the kitchen, but comes as soon as he hears the tell, tell sounds of water going in the food bowl.

Other times he will stand under the counter looking up and sniffing away.

And after dinner, it's time for siesta.

And finally, speaking of Chihuahua's, this one was a puppy that we flew down from Germany to Las Palmas.

Re: Update

Hi Greg and Nicolai,
Nice to read about your dogs.
Having your experience with the Galgo and Greyhound...How would you compare them? Any relevant differences in temperament, character, personality...Obviously you have only 2 dogs but for sure you have noticed some traits particular to each of the breeds...
Best wishes,

Re: Update

Great to hear from you again, and thanks for another set of great photos

Greg & Nicolai
However. At feeding time, it has still been 30 degrees and sunny, so we feed them and then walk them after sunset.

30 degrees and sunny - that's a distant memory here now!

Re: Update

Hi Stan & Steve.

Steve, I think it is about to become a memory here as well... Already cooling down.

The two are very similar. In their general behaviour I don't think there is any difference apart from your normal personality traits.

The Galgos are generally smaller and skinnier. Two things I noticed, is that the Galgos seem to have a lot more endurance than the Greyhounds. Nubis also uses his nose a lot more to track. I.E. when he picks up the scent from a dog that walked the trail a short while before, his nose is glued to the ground and hi pulls hard on the lead in an effort to track the scent. He has clearly been a hunter in the past.

Tula don't bother.

When it comes to chase a squirrel or a cat, there is no difference between the two. Nubis is more "street smart" and knows how to push a door open and get the lid off the bin etc and he does not hesitate to get anything edible off the table, although never while we are in the house, only when we are out.

Re: Update

Belated happy anniversary! Loved the pics, particularly the first one - Nubis is looking stunning - beautiful long limbs.
I think the scent thing may be dog-specific. I've noticed my hounds are much more obsessed with 'reading' smells than other dogs at GRF walks - hence we are always tail-enders! I tend to indulge them, since they have to be on a lead, and walkies are 'their time'.
It's great that Tula and Nubis get on so well. My five have established some interesting relationships. There appears to be no clear 'alpha dog' (other than in the order I always feed them), and they never fall out, but each one has their own special 'thing' that only they do - Bryn sleeps on my bed, Fi instigates the evening chew-stick routine (loudly), blind Dylan calls me (saluki style) after dinner to bring water to his chosen armchair, Jock has a special cuddle while I'm taking my wellies off after our evening walk, and aged darling Kim (apart from summoning me in the night to let him out) has an undisclosed way of requesting an ear-rub!
These are things that they have instigated themselves, which I find quite fascinating.
Tula and Nubis are probably still working things out.

In the sun

This morning Nubis discovered the sun loungers...

Here he is waiting for his cocktail...

Re: In the sun

Wow! Wish I was there.

Blue is definitely his colour.


These days during the walk, Tula is easily controllable, leisurely strolling behind us, at bit too leisurely at times...

Nubis on the other hand, tends to pull ahead and constantly needs to be pulled back.

As a result he gets more attention when we are out. On the evening walk tonight, we were walking past a car and Tula stuck her head under in and came back with a cat...

I was not expecting this. Nubis was all there, wanting a peace of the action. I managed to keep him away and got Tula to let go of the cat after she shook it around a bit. It run away, seemingly unharmed.

It has been a while since we had any incidents like this. There are lots of cats in the area, so we normally keep a good lookout. It just goes to show, it takes only one short moment of divided attention, and a fast dog...

Tula had a couple of small scratches that I sprayed with antibiotic spray. In the end, there were no serious injuries, but it could have gone a lot worse

Booker, 1 year on

It is a beautiful day here today, with clear skies and 25 degrees. A suitable day to think back and remember our "Big Boy" Booker.

It is one year today since he passed away and we still think about him every day and talk about him fairly regularly. We are both sure him and Nubis would have gotten along great. However. It was not meant to be.

Nubis is very happy with us and him and Tula play well together. Who knows where Nubis would have ended up if not with us.

But even so, we still miss Booker a lot and wish we could have had all three.

Rest in peace amongst the stars Booker. You will never leave our hearts.

Re: Booker, 1 year on

Thinking about you both, and Booker, today - cannot believe it has been a year :-(

Love from,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

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