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3 Years today

Today it is 3 years since our lives were enriched by Booker and Tula. Lots has happens since as you know. Booker is watching over us from the stars above, Tula is still with us along with her new brother Nubis.

Tula is definitively more happy not being the only dog in the house. Her Nubis and us are all one pack now.

SInce Nubis came in to the house, we have had two "scruffs" between them. The first one I already wrote about. The second one happened a couple of weeks ago as they were both laying down on the couch with Greg between them. They were both putting their head on his lap. Suddenly with no warning they were a dogfight above Greg's lap with sharp teeth only inches from his face. We were both watching them and none of us saw it coming. Greg's survival instinct kicked in and Tu;a and Nubis were on their backs on opposite sides of the couch in seconds.

That aside, it is all very amicable. Nubis likes to sleep close to Tula if he can. He does not like to go in different direction from her when we are outside.

They both like to patrol the outside together a couple of times a day. Nubis has settled well in to our routine, he has even picked up on some of Tula's habits, like sitting on the edge of the orange carpet when he wants something.

Here are some pics:

Dinner time. Never an issue.

Re: 3 Years today

Hi guys,

Awwww ....... did you see the bit I put in the last newsletter about Nubis?

I'm sure that Booker is watching over you all - it is just so sad that he cannot be with you - know you, and Tula, miss him LOADS.

We are thinking of you all,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: 3 Years today

Hi guys,
Awwww ....... did you see the bit I put in the last newsletter about Nubis?

Hi Susan. Yes we did. Thanks.

Yes I still miss Booker very much, and I still get the occasional tear in my eyes when I think about him, see a pic or especially when I read back on some of the post's. He was our "Gentle Giant".

Nubis is doing well though. A very different character, but just as lively, lovely and affectionate. Right now he is in and out of the door to the deck. Running back and forth between the back of the house and the front. He show every sign of being a happy boy. He has a lot more energy than Tula and he is clearly used to hunting/chasing small game.

Here he is walking with me one afternoon:

Re: 3 Years today

I can see he has turned himself into a good walker on the lead. No more pulling?

Re: 3 Years today

It's a lucky shot...

He still pulls a lot, but we are persistent. He has good and "less good" moments... Once he has a few pees and a poo he gets better.

We generally correct him as soon as he starts to pull and he does respond to the corrections. He stops when we stop and say WAIT, so he is learning. He knows where he is supposed to be...

Re: 3 Years today

Re your photo: Dinner time never an issue - I think it won't be long before the 'nubile' Nubis matches Tula in weight! I'm so happy things are working out OK, as I believe that, once two (or more) greyhounds have been homed together, it's hard for a sole survivor left on their own (never mind their human companions). A new chapter has started .

New chapter!

You are right Marion. It is a new chapter. It is a positive experience, easing the pain of loosing Booker. I am sure we got the timing right as well.

Like I mentioned before; Nubis is picking up on Tula's habits such as "assuming the position" on the carpet when he wants something. Here they were both sitting down, looking at us and we think wanting to go out. By the time I grabed the camera, Nubis had laid down. Pic is a little dark, but you get the idea.

Open the door!!!

Here he climbed up on the chair next to Greg and squeezed down between him and the armrest. Tula is on the couch.

Pics repost


Some of the pics disappeared as I put them in the correct folder on the Photobucket website. Here they are again.

Me walking with Nubis:

And "Open the door".

Photobucket seems to have a mind of it's own at times...

Re: Pics repost

Tula looks like a bodybuilder comparing to slender Nubis

Body builder

Yes she does. She is a heavy weight compared to him. It is of course all muscle...

At the moment she wants to go outside, but as it is raining, she turns around and come straight back as soon as a drop hits her nose.

And to think she grew up in Scotland...


She just came up to me wanted a cuddle and I thought wanting a treat as she was licking her nose. Then I got a whiff of peanut butter from her breath...

Greg looked very guilty...

Too close to the North Pole?

I was not expecting this when I got up this morning. Tula and Nubis was not too impressed either. Nubis has a lot thinner fur than Tula so I think he was a little cold.

At least it is melted now...

The tiled stairs down to the gate proved treacherous for Tula as they were very slippery. I made sure I walked first and caught her when she started to slip. She got a bit scared and was reluctant to try again, but she did go and we all made it down in one peace.

The weather:

Don't see a palm tree with snow too often.

Glad it's an all wheel drive...

Nubis refused to come down behind the pool. Tula was not too impressed either.

Tula's footprint

Anyone for a swim?

Time to go for their pre dinner walk. They are both restless and whiny.


This morning we got caught out in the rain. It is the first time since we got Nubis that we had walk in the rain. Although Tula don't exactly love the rain, she just gets on with it if already outside.

Nubis went under a bush for cover and sat down... He does not like the rain at all. Maby also because it is cold for him. Like I mentioned before, his fur is even thinner than Tula's, not offering a lot of protection. I presume taking cover under a bush is what he had to do before he got rescued.

Nevertheless, we had to get home so I got him out and we started the 10 min walk back home. The whole way he was dragging ahead.

It has since rained all day here in god old Scottish fashion. He wanted out a couple of times, but as soon as he noticed the rain he ran back inside. We skipped the rest of the walks today as the weather has been miserable. He still had to go out for a pee. I practically had to drag him out. As soon as we were outside I closed the door. He just sat down by the door (under the cover) wanting to go back inside... Again I had to drag him out, but once out, he did follow me although reluctantly, down behind the pool where it is more cover. Once there he had the longest pee I have seen him do. He really needed to go. After completion he was soooo happy with himself and of course "relieved"...

Once inside again I gave them both a towel rubdown. This morning before we went out I had put the towels on the radiators so they were nice and warm. Tula knows what to expect. She loves it. So did Nubis. He reeeaaallly loved it a lot. I think this evening he was anticipating it. After this, they had their dental stick and now they are both sleeping, Nubis on the couch and Tula in our bed.

Here are some pics from the "towel session"

The Garden


Weather permitting, they do like to walk around the property (it's not too big) and check out the corners and bushes in-between. Especially Nubis likes to spent a lot of time outside, making laps. He comes down and run past the front of the house several times. He is a bit hyper and has a lot of stamina.

The other day when it was raining almost none stop for two days, They did not want to go out. Tula was a lot braver and accomplished her tasks. We did not take for any walks those days, just took them around the house and behind and below the pool. Nubis flat out refused to go. I had to drag him out and close the door. I then had to drag him out from under the cover and down the stairs towards the back of the pool. Thats where they usually have their pees.

Half way down the stair he gave up and run down and tok cover under the "pool-ledge". Eventually he ventured out about two meters and had a loooong pee, then run back up to the door.

Once inside they were clearly wanting their reward; a hot towel rub... They love it.

Last week the fence blew over so we could not let them out loose until it got fixed. It was finished today. Below are some pics of them patrolling the perimeters.

Favorite viewing point...

Re: The Garden

Nubis looks very proud!:-)

The Vet

Time for another trip to the vet. Tula needs her vaccinations and her teeth inspected. Not looking forward to the trip. It is already bringing back lots of memories.

By the same token, she will be seeing Ursula that I met when we were here last summer. She has Marley, a Spanish Galgo. I did post two pics of him back then.

A couple of days ago we went up to SOS Galgo and signed Nubis' papers for ownership. He is now formally registered to us.

I also learned that he was found in 2011 near a roundabout which is a popular spot for dumping dogs. He was in very bad shape and almost dead when rescued. That knowledge makes me want to cuddle him whenever I look at him. It is clear to us that he has been beaten by the way he reacts if we lift our arm a certain way.

At least he is happy and feeling safe now, and we are happy to have him. Tula is as well. They both respond to each others signals.

The vet is at 4pm this afternoon. I'll report back again this evening.

Re: The Vet

All is well.

Tula's tail disappeared between her leg as soon as we went inside the vet clinic. She clearly recognised those smells. She relaxed after a short while until she saw the needle... As soon as Ursule, the vet, pulled the skin together to insert the needle, she started to moan... She stopped when Ursula moved her hands away. Then she just did it quickly before Tula could react. Not a sound from Tula then...

We got her microchip registered here as well. The next thing is to have her teeth cleaned. Not looking forward to this, but it will have to be done. I have given them the records from our vet in Glasgow where she had several surgeries. At least we think she will be ok, but still worried.

Nubis was not at all happy when Tula and I left for the vet, but he calmed down almost right away. AFter all, Greg was home to protect him. Greg took him for a walk while we were at the vet. He said it was like walking a different dog. Much calmer and better behaved.

Ursula is a lovely vet and I do feel that Tula is in safe hands. Tula got to meet her Galgo, Marley. What a beautiful dog he is. I has grown a lot since we saw him last summer. He is now 1.5 years old and now has a body much more proportionate to his large head... Marley was very playful. I think Tula was happy to meet him, but seemed more interested in getting out from the vet...

Here are some pics with Tula and Marley:

After it was time for a well deserved ham bone...

Re: The Vet

Glad the visit to the vet went well. It must have been quite a thought.

Re: The Vet

It was, although not worried as I new she would not have to go under. That is just a matter of time though as she must have her teeth cleaned next month. Naturally we discussed the Greyhounds sensitivity to anaesthetics at length. She seems well aware. Given Tula's problem free history with multiple surgeries, she should be ok.

Still worried though.

Re: The Vet

I have to take Lady to get her teeth done soon. She's had quite a few out in the last three years since I got her, and I'm afraid more may have to come out this time. It's always a worry when they have to go under the anaesthetic and worse for you two.
Your dogs are looking very settled together though.


You are right Kathleen, it is a worry, but I think she will be fine and yes, they are well settled together.

This morning on the walk my heart leaped and skipped a couple of beats when we came across these 7 Processionary Caterpillars. Their hairs are very poisonous and if eaten, they will kill your dog. There is no cure. If they get stressed, they release these hair in to the air and you risk inhaling them. They have a sweet-sour smell so your dog is likely to eat them, at the very least disturb them with their nose...

if picked up their tongue will swell and block breathing, only option is to cut it off. If too much has to be cut off, then the dog cannot survive as it will be unable to drink.

They are nasty and very very scary...

Re: Caterpillars

Unfortunately they can be found nearly all over Europe at the moment. In the UK as well, though more rarely then in the South of Europe....

Re: Caterpillars

Between broken glass and poisonous caterpillars, I'm frightened to take Bootsie out ........


Re: Caterpillars

Between broken glass and poisonous caterpillars, I'm frightened to take Bootsie out ........


I think you are safe in Scotland. Not only is it too cold for them, but they live in pine forested areas.

Re: Caterpillars

Nicolai and Greg,
How did you know about them? I am really impressed you spotted them... You must be very observant!
Wikipedia on the Oak Processionary (it is as dangerous as The Pine Processionary):
The moths are widely distributed in central and southern Europe, and are occasionally found as far north as Sweden. In the southern countries of Europe the populations are controlled by natural predators, but these predators do not exist in northern Europe. Their range is expanding northward, possibly or partly as a result of global warming.[clarification needed][citation needed] The moth now has an established population in the UK. The eggs arrived on oak imported to the Richmond area of London in 2006; the range of the species in the UK has been steadily expanding despite efforts to eradicate it.

Re: Caterpillars

Our vet in Glasgow had warned us about Leishmania prior to moving to Portugal. It prompted me to do a search online about poisonous creatures in the region. These were mentioned a lot, so I did some more specific research. In portugal they treat the pine trees in residential areas. Never saw them there. Here we are in the middle of the Garraf National Park, so we have been on a constant look out since February when the season starts.

Along with Advantix, we are currently treating them with LeisGuard so they are resistant to this bug. It's transmitted by mosquitos and it's like Malaria for dogs.

Growling Stomach

This morning while Greg was enjoying his morning coffee, his stomach made a bit of a "rumble".

As soon as he heard it Nubis jumped up from his slumber on the couch and started barking. We just started to laugh, even if we wondered if he could have heard something else at first. However. When the same thing happened again 5 minutes later, there were no doubts.

it's official: Greg's tummy sounds like a growling dog...


They do like sun.

This morning it is too cold (only 9 degrees....) but last week it was much warmer. Especially Nubis likes to be outside and lay down on the warm tiles. It's ok for now before it gets too hot. Nubis is used to the climate here, but Tula does get hot in the summer.

A wee sunbath...

Re: Sun

Someone dug in the flower pot.

Who could it possibly be?....

Siesta. Again...

Somethings just never change...

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