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Re: 6 months gone by

What a FABULOUS video - isn't it just amazing to watch them running free like that Also, why is it that when one pees, the other has to pee in the same place ?!?

Glad all is well with you.

Take care,
Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx


Thanks Susan.

We also keep exercising recall. Here with dog whistle. They that when they here this particular two stroke sound, there is a treat awaiting them...

Recall from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.


Again the other link to the same recall video from Photobucket.


Re: Recall.

You have got great big garden. Nubis seems much smaller than Tula, I didn't realise that galgos are smaller quite a bit. What is the difference in weight?

It is interesting when you say about the difference in coping with the heat, I would think Tula may be used to it now but maybe she will never be like Nubis. I have been thinking last year about taking the dogs with us when we went visit my family in the Czech Republic but I am glad that we didn't take them (we didn't take my husband either, somebody had to stay with the wee darlings). I don't think for a minute that Floyd would be able to cope with 33°C all day every day (even our son was looking forward to go home to Scotland and the rain )

They are great with the recall, both of them, Jess is fantastic but Floyd has got selective hearing sometimes

Re: Recall.

Nubis weighs 28 kg's and Tula 36.

Yes there is a big difference in how they react to the heat and the cold, not to mention rain. I think it was a good idea to leave Floyd at home. Although Tula has little and thin fur, it is actually thick compared to Nubis' fur. In general Nubis have also refuses to go out if it is raining, while Tula is less bothered.

Just to be clear though, Tula is not uncomfortable. She stays mostly inside where it is cool and goes outside when she wants to, which is frequently throughout the day. All the door are open so she regulates that herself.

Re: Recall.

Interesting, I just found out the other week that there are different kinds of podenco. I didn’t know that. Nubis has got great coat, really shiny, I can’t understand why people prefer all colours but black. I wanted a black greyhound when I went first time to GRF but ended up with brindle because Floyd just has chosen me. We were his Bday present. You cannot choose colour you have to choose personality however you cannot see that brilliant shine on any other coat than black.

That’s what our dogs do when is warm, go out for 5 minutes then go in for 10 but if we went to Czech the heat is just horrible. There is no sea to make the air a bit more bearable. The grass is just burned, no it would be too much ask of Floyd, he is getting old and it would not be enjoyable for him in the better case, in the worse case I would be too scared that he would get a heart attack. We take holidays in Scotland and take them with us, last time we were on Arran and we are happy that way. This year my mum and my brother are coming to visit, my mum likes coming here for the reason to escape the heat.

How old is Tula now, you have had her for a long time now didn’t you. When we took Floyd he was already 5 but Jess was just sort of 2 (we don’t know her Bday so we just go with what vet said). We had Floyd for 3 years now and Jess for 2 and I cannot imagine life without them. I think it was also good for our son. It did teach him a lot I think. We had animals when we were kids and for me it is important that he learns to have respect for animals and also that he should know he can help as they need a voice against injustice and cruelty. Well look at me where I got with the writing, I will just go to bed as is 1:30. I enjoy your diary; I like reading about other people’ pets and their experiences. Good Night


When we first got Nubis, his fur was a lot more brittle/coarse and more matt. We give them each half a can of sardines every morning which does wonders for their fur and joints. Then we brush them regularly as well as using primrose oils spray conditioner/shampoo and we also have fur wipes that we use 2-3 times a week.

Tula will be 9 in November. She is getting some ore grey hairs around here nose, but she is in good shape. Jan 16th 2010, a day before the start of this thread, was when we got Tula and her brother Booker.

Nubis on one of our walks.

Re: Nubis.

She looks great, Floyd is 8 and has totally white face, I give them fish but Jess is no keen, I will try the oil spray if I can get it over here, I didn't realised they were siblings, I though that they were just together in the kennel. I have read the story but it was ages ago, I must have forgot. Well looks like summer is over in Scotland so back to the waterproof jackets

Re: Nubis.

Nubis is a boy. He is the new edition to the family. Booker and Tula were siblings from the same litter. Booker passed away Sep 12th 2012. We got Nubis the 20th of Dec same year from SOS Galgos i Barcelona.


Thats what they looked like, cleverly hidden in the gras thinking that they might not been seen.

The pollen from the pine forest was everywhere. Of course the two of them dragged it in to the house and our bed...

That being said, they love to lay out on the porch and the grass when its less hot and they both have their favourite spots...

I do like mu close ups of their faces...

Here they are on the porch.


We have agreed to foster a newly rescued dog from SOS Galgos for the month of August. His name is Moët and he about 1 year old. He was rescued about three weeks ago.

He already has a permanent foster home, but the family fostering him is going away for the month< sos SOS Galgo's called us and asked if we could foster him during that time.

We said yes and he will arrive on Sunday. I hope he will get along with Tula and Nubis...

It is a good coincidence that he is with the same foster family as Nubis was when we got him. I know they are looking forward to see him again.

He was very skinny when rescued, but has already gained some weight. He also has a fractured leg that has been inspected by an orthopaedic specialist. It is expected to heal nicely and does not appear to be in pain, or suffering.

Below are some pics of him.

Here he is with Anne, the founder of SOS Galgos.

And here with his foster mum, Montse.

Here you can see his swollen leg and that he is not putting any weight on it.


Moet looks like a fine addition to your family. I have a feeling he may well end up being a permanent part of your family!!! Our first two greys were brindles.

Some great pictures of Tula and Nubis in the other post, especially the close ups of them sleeping.


What a stunning dog ....

Good luck with the fostering - sure if you explain to the guys that it's not permanent, they'll welcome him with open paws

Susan x


Moet is very beautiful - I love brindles - and he seems to be gaining weight nicely. I'm sure you will accelerate that process in the month ahead!
His leg still looks very swollen. It seems from the pics that he doesn't want to put it to the floor and the paw is a bit 'bunched'. Foxy had the same problem with her back leg, and I think there is still some residual tendon damage, although she walks fine now. Just beware of him charging about too much with the others, as they forget pain for the moment but it can set them back (voice of experience).
I hope your fostering experience is a happy one and more successful than mine - I never relinquished one yet!

Today is the day

One more hour and a bit and we will meet Moët.

Tula and Nubis was after a cat during the walk this morning, trying to climb over a brick wall in process... Now Tula is on the couch, ears up and looking at Nubis patrolling the garden. They are both happily unaware of the excitement in an hour...

They both met and plaid with two Galgos that lives block away, and that went fine, so I believe this will be ok too.

Marion, we will see how successful the fostering will be. We know he has a good home at the moment, so I won't feel bad for sending him back there. Emotionally, however...

Steve, thanks for your comments.

Moët has arrived.

So far so good.

He is quite nervous and did not want to walk with me initially. Kept moving over towards his foster mum. He did settle when he realised he had no choice. It has gone well with the other two. Nubis growls very lightly when Moët gets too close to the couch that he is laying on. That will stop!

A little bit of light skipping in the garden, but the moment Nubis gives a little bark, Moët stepped away.

We have walked him around the garden and around the house. Eventually he took a treat from my hand and he has also been drinking water. He also allowed me to scratch his belly and objected when I stopped.

Still a little nervous though, but I am sure that will pass. He has wondered around the house looking for an exit after Montse left. Now all three are laying down in the living room.

Here are the first pics, only of him. When get a good one of them all interacting I will post that too.

On the living room floor.

Re: Moët has arrived.

Beautiful colouring, reminds me of my last two brindles. They were a bot and a girl, very similar both in markings and size - most of my friends had to look at the 'business end' to figure out which dog was which!

Re: Moët has arrived.

We had a little siesta now, during which Moët came in and out of the bedroom, jumped up in our bed once, but did not stay, and wanted to play a couple of times with Nubis, who was sleeping on their bed and growled a little when he thought Moët was coming in. Moët is very respectful, fairly nervous and ale affectionate. when it gets a little cooler we will take them for a walk. He already barked at us, indicating that he wanted to go out, so he is definitively more relaxed. Still steps back from us and walks a little circle around, but they are getting smaller.

He grabbed one of my garments from the dirty laundry basket and took it in to the living room. I have to careful where I put my spectacles. Tula and Nubis grabbed them not long after we got them and almost ruined them. Had to put in new lenses then. You may remember that on one of the earlier posts.

Here is a link to the first video of Moët, Tula and Nubis. After this was taken, he run with Nubis for a little bit. My next concern now is the feeding time...

Moët's first run of the garden. from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Re: Moët has arrived.

Awww how lovely, and the tail is brilliant. Hope everything goes well and all of you enjoy the month spent together

Re: Moët has arrived.

I think it\'s safe to say that he has settled in. From one afternoon and night of being weary and a bit skittish to now pushing his way in between. He pee\'d in the house three times already. First time while we were cleaning on the first day. I am guessing he was too excited. Second time was during the night. He drinks a lot of water. Last time he was standing by the cracked door wanting out. Can\'t blame him for that one.

Walking the three of them has been fine so far. The biggest problem being the entanglement of the leads. He is not really pulley, but want to walk in same position as Nubis.

Tula just strolled behind and can\'t be bothered. There is a little bit of a power struggle between Nubis and Moët, generally consisting of the chasing each other around the garden and Nubis growling a little when Moët get up in the couch or bed with him. Now Moët ignores it and lays down anyway and Nubis allows it. They are getting on fine. I am sure they both enjoy the chasing in around the garden.

Tula is being left alone. Her authority is beyond approach...

Feeding is ok. We keep them separated and it is working. Moët is still a little weary, but we make sure he gets to finish his food in peace.

On the first day, by sitting down, with my back towards him and slowly moving towards him, I was able to rub his belly. I think that moment was a turning point for him. When I stopped, he kept giving me his paw, wanting me to carry on.

And finally a short video of him playing with a toy.

Moët playing with a toy. from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Re: Moët has arrived.

Hi Greg and Nicolai,
I am very happy to hear that all of you have been doing well. You have a very beautiful and roomy house I suppose. Good for you and for the dogs. Galgos have got that beautiful long, prominent nose...A really nice breed of dog. I was in Majorca in May trying to find Galgos or Podencos. I did not manage to spot any. Quite interesting because people say they are quite common... Maybe not in Majorca though. Next time I need to go to Spain (in the continent)to look for them. I like both of the breeds.
All the best,

Re: Moët has arrived.

Brilliant news. Moet is looking really settled in the photographs. He couldn't have found a better temporary home.

Galgos in Spain

I was in Majorca in May trying to find Galgos or Podencos. I did not manage to spot any. Quite interesting because people say they are quite common... Maybe not in Majorca though. Next time I need to go to Spain (in the continent)to look for them. I like both of the breeds.

Hi Stan.

You should contact SOS Galgos in Barcelona. Both Nubis and Moët comes from there. Anne is the founder and does the day to day running. Her husband in a vet specialising in Galgos. I think they are really good.

Their website is and they also have a Facebook page.

The three of them

Thanks Agnes.

Yes Moët has settled in really well. All fear is almost gone and he is taking over the house. trying to anyway. He is only about 1 year old and like all "teens" he has a lot of energy.

Nubis plays and runs with him, tolerates mostly, but also growl frequently, although it is not a load aggressive growl. More of a low "stay of my coach" growl. Moët is the tallest of the three. He is as tall as Booker was, but only half the weight.

Tula for the most part just ignores them, unless she needs to remind them that it is her and no one else thats in charge... The other day when they wanted to go out, Tula and Moët was standing next to each other by the door. As I opened Moët tried to squeeze past. Tula immediately turned around a growled at him, blocking him from running outside. She does the same with Nubis. Like Nubis, Moët backed off and waited for "Her Majesty" to step out first.

He does require discipline as he has never had any. He constantly drink lots of water throughout the day. Usually he has peed in the house if we are gone for 2-3 hours. something to be worked on.

Day before yesterday we came home to the bedroom curtains having torn of the wall... The two boys goes a bit wild at times as you can see from the video link below. (Same as I posted on Facebook) Add to that the length of the curtains with lots of extra draped on the floor... They will be cut...

Below is also a two video links where Moët wants to lay down, but there is not any room on the mat. He eventually manages to lay down as you see.

Nubis and Moët chasing each other. from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Moët wants to lay down. from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Moët finally manages to squeeze in next to/on Tula from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Re: The three of them

This morning has been mostly spent with Moët and Tula chasing each other around the garden. They were at it for some time before they had a little rest in the corner of the garden that has now been turned in to a sand pit... During the short rest there was an affectionate display and gentle reminder of who's the boss. I reorder it and the video is here:

After running and chasing each other for some time, it's time for a lite rest before a little more chasing. from Nicolai Moore on Vimeo.

Then they started running again and now they are crashed out and we don't really expect to hear from them until feeding time...

Last night we decided to go to the shop about 2 hours before their feeding time. It was close enough that as soon as we started getting our shoes on, they got exited and restless and were clearly expecting a walk. We left anyway and hour and a half later we came home to this:

Clearly he thought he had been a good boy enduring only the other two for such a long time. Here stretching over the chair and footstool wanting some scratching:

He has also discovered where we kept the biscuit box. After we got up one morning and found it shredded and empty it is no longer kept there... It was full too. Mushy poo that evening...

Tula usually takes part in the running and chasing for a little bit. When she does, it's her and Nubis ganging up on Moët. She does however leave no question with either of them that she is the Alpha Female, second only to us. She only does a couple of runs though before she can't be bothered anymore, or gets too tired. The other two has far more endurance.

Moët has discovered that the chairs are also very comfy. Note his loooong tail draped over his thigh.

Re: The three of them

Great video :-)

What did he destroy? It looks like foam from a chair in the picture

Re: The three of them

It was only a cheap dog floor mattress from the Chinese shop. We got two recently for the living room.

Re: The three of them

Hi Guys.
You got three really cracking doggies there.
Are you REALLY SURE Moet is a temporary resident ?? .
They make a lovely family.

Still here

The month of August is over and last week it was time for Moët to go home, except that he is still here....

They all get on well. I did not think all of them could get on the couch, but they managed to squeeze in together.

Last week we gave all of them a bath and front lined them. Moët was not too impressed, but he stood quiet and let us do the rubbing. Especially the towel rub after...

And of course they still love to rune and creating dust, making the sandpit bigger every day...

The next two pics are from the same photo, but cropped individually. I especially like tho one of Nubis. The next ones are not in focus, but the show the motion and action.

And after it is time to cool down, laying in the sand before dragging it in to the house...

And finally, before you all jump to the conclusion and say "we told you so", Moët is not staying. We just decided that he could stay here until they found a permanent and good home for him. We might have a say so in that...

Two days after we offered to let him stay, his old foster mum already had a new Galgo.

It does look like he may be picked to go to USA next month. But it is not decided yet.

Re: Still here

I love those action photos - tremendous!

I think he'd be happier staying with you guys......

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