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Quincy's skin

Hi everyone,

First of all a big thankyou for everyones advice re. feeding. We were at the vets today and his weight has gone up almost 2 kg wooohoo. My next concern is his skin. Im probably just being a paranoid mummy hehe but dont want it turning into a bigger problem. When we rehomed quincy he obviously had quite a thick kennel coat and he has been shedding loads recently despite regular grooming. We give him sardines or pilchards in tomato sauce every now and then in his dinner and following advice on here have been giving him a teaspoon of honey. However a few weeks ago when looking at his underside, his belly has big flakes of dandruff all through his fur and his thighs look almost bald. His skin all underneath him down his legs and thighs can look really red and irritated at times. I attended the vets today with him however it was a locum vet who hes never seen before (and I felt he was pretty useless). He doesnt think its mites as he has been treated regularly with adovcate for his worming which covers this. He suggested trying a shampoo called epi-soothe 2-3 times a week and to try this for 3 weeks and if no improvement to go back. Has anyone else ever had this problem and could offer some advice. It's only been 2 and a half months since we rehomed so he is maybe still adjusting to his new environment, we just want to give him the best life possible and dont want him being all irritated.

Thankyou very much

Karen, John and Quincy

Re: Quincy's skin

We rehomed Ace last July and in October he was much the same. The fur just fell out of him and his back legs were bald. He also had loads of dandruff or scurf. We started giving him cod liver oil on his evening meal. I also bathed him a few times with a medicated shampoo and although it got rid of the loose fur and scurf, he still had some dandruff again a few weeks later. Then this spring we also started giving him honey on his breakfast. He still has some dandruff, I think its a greyhound thing, but his fur has grown back on his back legs, not thickly but he is no longer bald. His coat is really shiny. I have noticed he does get scurfy more in hot weather, he loves laying in the sun, gets too hot, moves to the shade for a while then back in the sun. (He is black so I guess he doesnt reflect the heat.

Karen and Pat Brundell and Ace

Re: Quincy's skin

Thankyou so much for replying so quick. Yeah when we first got quincy I bought a bottle of cod liver oil and have been giving him this on his breakfast. Ive just read on another forum about velcote, lots of positive reviews from other greyhound owners. I have also bought some evening primrose oil capsules to try. Quincy is white and brindle so its not too obvious to other people but we notice it and just dont want him being irritated.

Karen, John and Quincy

Re: Quincy's skin

hi i think the problem is red mange ive had it with one of my dogs benzyl benzoate should cure it . you can buy it at any chemist. its a liquid chalky solution, and is applied to affected areas i used apastry brush to apply it once a day for afew days.results will not be immediate but in 3 to 4 weeks the hair will start to grow back in and any redness should disapear you can repeat this process

Re: Quincy's skin

Hi Alex,
Thankyou for your thoughts we really appreciate it. Im going to hold off with that at the moment. I know mange is caused by mites and hes been treated now for 3 months against mites and the redness comes and goes. Ive been given some other advice so will try that but will definately keep it in mind. Thankyou very much