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Hey, I'm looking to see if anyone has had something similar to this?? Nikki has very suddenly grown a lump on her neck just above her shoulder blades. We are worried about it and plan to get her to the vets as soon as. Its very odd, she has no pain and let's you touch it! It appeared so quickly, pretty much like how a swelling appears. I have heard that greyhounds can take delayed reactions to jags and she did have a wee op not so long ago (the lump is in the approximate place where she would receive anaesthetic - not sure if there is any truth in that though? ? Today has been the first time after her op that she had a good run in the garden, again I'm not sure if she has ran into something outside (that's how she ended up having to go in for her op as she cut her side open!!) Or possibly pulled a muscle causing this lump/swelling. As I say we are going to get her to the vet, but were the typical worried parents!!

Re: LUMP???

There can be numerous causes of lumps on dogs, most of which are harmless, but I would always err on the side of caution and have it looked at by a professional. We were concerned by a lump we found on Lucy which also blew up out of nowhere but didn't seem to bother her. The vet took a biopsy which proved inconclusive, so under their recommendation we had it removed. It turned out to be harmless.

I will now be a complete hypocrite and tell you not to worry about it because there's nothing positive you can do by worrying.

Fingers crossed Nikki will be absolutely fine.

Re: LUMP???

Suzy used to get little lumps on her, vet said they were nothing to worry about. Like Nikki you could easily touch them and she didn't mind. Forth also had a little lump/swelling after he got chipped (round about the area the chip went in), again vet said it was nothing just a little reaction.

I would agree with Steve its best to get it checked out, its most likely harmless but best to be safe.

Just tell Yogi boy to be careful around her